Empower Thyself with Hannah Garner


Hannah Garner Season 2 Episode 84

Fear, that uninvited guest that often shows up unannounced, has the power to rob us of our dreams. But, what if we told you it could also be the catalyst towards achieving them? 

Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night, paralysed by what-ifs, or avoiding taking risks because it's safer to stay within the bounds of the familiar? We've been there too, and we're here to tell you that fear doesn't have to be your enemy. Join us as we tackle the often misunderstood concept of fear, its evolutionary roots, and how it can inhibit us from pursuing our dreams. We share our personal stories of triumph and tell you how you can do it too. 

We also delve into the significance of a growth mindset, the power of positive affirmations, and what we can learn from our setbacks. We discuss the benefits of leveraging technology, like the ThinkUp app, to reinforce positivity. We wrap up by shedding light on the importance of trusting ourselves, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. It's not about eliminating fear entirely, but learning to dance with it, to use it as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. 

This week there is a rerelease of one of the first podcast episodes we shared and to date still one of the most popular - but the message we believe is so powerful, especially in this current period in time and it supplements the discernment episode shared recently so it felt right to rerelease this one!

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Peace and Love Han x

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Empower Thyself podcast.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to add a quick introduction here because there are going to be one or two episodes that I am Releasing from way back when I first started the podcast. So I just wanted to add a little intro to it, because the reason I wanted to do this is there were one or two episodes that were really popular with you guys and also whereby I feel like they're really Helpful for the current climate that we find ourselves in. So there is a lot out there, and I'm doing an episode on discernment that has been released and I feel like it complements these areas really well, because I'm talking about fear and how you can overcome that, and also With a guest episode whereby we talk about connecting to your intuition and your own internal like clock and monitor, and I think At the moment, given the situation that we find ourselves in, whereby there's so much information out there, we're trying to figure out what's right, wrong, what feels good to us, we're trying to empower ourselves and, knowing that these were some of the most popular episodes that I've done, along with a few others, it felt right to re-release them. So, whilst I'm away, I thought let me do that for you. I'm sure many of you haven't even listened to these episodes and also, even if you have, sometimes the same way is like when you rewatch a film and you pick up like because you're, your consciousness and your awareness has changed, you've grown, evolved and shifted since the last time you listened to it. You might have new perspectives, you might have new thoughts, you might have new insights, you might have new kind of light bulb moments that help you For where you are now. So, with that being said, I just thought I'd do a quick intro to reintroduce them. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you do listen, and that is all I wanted to share. And back to the episodes.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to empower thyself podcast. I'm your host, hannah Garner, your intuitive prosperity and mindset mentor, and I am so honored that you are here. I am obsessed with helping people to tap into their unique brilliance, build in a trust and Supporting you to evolve and build a peaceful, joyful and prosperous life. The intention of this podcast is to bring you a varied number of topics, wisdom, knowledge and insights that are going to spike your curiosity and Actually provide you with practical and tangible tools that can change your life, so that you can go away, you can try things on for size and see what resonates and if it would work for you in the day. Today. The weekly episodes are here to empower you and help you build that inner trust muscle and ultimately, you know you best, you know what you need, and so I always want you to remember that when listening to these episodes, whilst also bringing levity and fun to the self development World and topics. Come join me today in this week's episode and let's have so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to today's episode with your host, hannah Garner. I am going to be diving in today in the first solar episode, all about fear. My hope for today's episode is that you will be able to Take away some really actionable tools that can help you move through fear, whether that be fear in relationships, fear in Work or business, fear in general life that is stopping you achieving what you want to achieve or becoming who you want to become and living a more, more Peaceful, happy life. So with this episode, this is literally for anybody, and the reason I say that is because I truly believe that fear Is the limiting factor stopping most people moving towards what they want to achieve, and this is something that Comes up all the time for people, including myself. So in this episode I'm going to be diving into what fear is Hoping to reframe fear for you into a positive rather than a negative, giving you actionable tools that you can take away to apply to hopefully give you the confidence to move forward and empower yourself, and also just wanting to give you some personal experiences when I have felt fear and I have managed to move through that regardless, in the hope that it inspires you to do the same. Thank you for joining me and let's dive straight into the episode.

Speaker 1:

So fear Fear is one of the most Normal things as human beings that we can experience. Why? Because fear is a normal evolutionary response. It is literally in our dna, in ourselves, back Hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago. Fear is our bodies and brains way of trying to speak to us. It was there to help with imminent danger If we felt triggered emotionally or physically. It would bring about a psychological fight or flight mode. It would ensure that we were kept safe from things that we needed to be kept safe from. And there are neuroscientists that say humans are one of the most fearful creatures on the planet because we have the ability to learn, we have the ability to think and we have the ability to create fear in our minds. And I do believe that because we we had to have this fight or flight mode in us to protect us. But we have since developed massively, evolved massively human beings over a period of time, but very quickly.

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That response is still there and it is an amazing tool, but it's also a tool that doesn't always serve us, because it doesn't know how to distinguish between what is a real danger ie, you are about to get your head ripped off by a lion versus I'm getting this feeling of an emotional feeling or a bodily feeling that feels dangerous to me and therefore it is a danger, when actually it's just our body trying to protect us. And it's not a danger, it's just something new, it's just something unknown, it's just something slightly uncomfortable. That doesn't make it a danger to us, but that's our body's natural response in trying to protect us. So, first of all, we have to be thankful that we have that response and that ability in us and it's definitely something that we can lean into and definitely something we can use to help us.

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That does, on the flip side, stop us from doing so many things, and one of the best analogies I have found about fear, and one that I love to remind myself of when I'm feeling the fear, is false evidence appearing real. So I'm just going to repeat that Fear is false evidence appearing real. And when you sit down with that for a moment and think about it, it is so true. How many times have you or me created scenarios in our heads when we think, wow, I can't do this because XYZ or this is going to happen and and therefore I can't do it? We literally think the worst case scenarios and then we don't do that thing when in actual fact, it's not even the truth. In most cases, it is not even real. We've just created it in our mind to protect us from that uncomfortable feeling or that trigger in our body, that fight or flight response mode, our ego protecting us from leveling up our ego, protecting us from Getting to that next level, from Becoming who we want to be, from moving into a new state of awareness, or it's just Crazy how much our body Will try and protect us. So, first of all, thanks to our bodies for doing that, because actually, as I said, it's really, really powerful.

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But what you need to remember is, in most cases, it is not real or it's not something, if it is real, that you can't overcome and that you shouldn't push through. So here's a few things that I really like to do when it comes to fear because, as I said, we've all experienced it. I have done some really, really, really Scary things, fearful things, in the last couple of years that have pushed me massively out of my comfort zone. Thing you need to remember is stepping into fear is where growth happens. It is where you can inspire Others to do the same, and that is where I've had my biggest, biggest areas of improvement In my life.

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So, first of all, a few things that you can do when it comes to fear is Identify the fear. Most of the time, none of us even realize what the fear is. We don't know that we're actually stopping ourselves because of it. We just continue day to day doing the things and not doing the things we want to do. So, first of all, sit with your fear and observe your thoughts, observe your feelings in your body and any sensations that you have, and write down what comes up. And doing this practice is so powerful because once you can start feeling those fears and understanding where they are coming from, you are able to gain greater clarity on what drives you as a human being. What needs do you have to be met to feel more safe and secure? What can you do to help yourself feel safer while stepping into the unknown? And that is a really powerful tool, and that is something that I have been doing probably the most since changing my career, since changing my life path, because that was so scary for me and so I needed to get clarity about. Okay, if I'm going to do this really scary step, I need to feel as safe as possible in as many ways as possible. But what makes me feel safe? What drives me day to day? And from there I was able to identify what's truly scary and how I can make myself feel better in those moments, and this definitely makes you feel more empowered to face your fears. So a personal story for those who may not know me and have found this podcast I am traditionally from a finance background.

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I'm a certified chartered accountant. I was a school leaver. I went straight from school, didn't go to uni, and I got a job in one of the top four firms in the UK and I decided to do my work full time and do my training to become a chartered accountant. My reason for that? I wasn't really passionate about anything in the standard terms. University didn't appeal to me at all because there was nothing that I felt I would be dedicated enough that I wanted to learn and show up for and get in debt for, and I just wanted to earn money. So I thought what career can I do? Because I had the A level grades, I had the skills that I could still push myself to do something tricky. But I wanted that career, I wanted that money. So that's why I stepped into being a chartered accountant.

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I became qualified over a four year period. It was really tough, but I learned so much and I'm so grateful for that experience learning the world of work, learning that you have to take personal responsibility for your own successes and for your own failures. You have to show up when it's tough. Life is not straightforward. You're going to have setbacks, so many different things and it really showed me how businesses also work, which again has been so powerful when stepping into wanting to create my own business. I have a really solid business background, but it really didn't fulfill me. I did, however, move into finance role.

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After I'd become qualified, I moved into industry in a retail company as a financial accountant and a project accountant, and again this really grew me as a person. But one thing I noticed was that I was just lacking fulfillment. This wasn't what I was meant to be doing. I knew. I knew deep in my gut, I knew deep in my soul that I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life. This would make me feel unfulfilled, the stress would probably make me ill, because it wasn't something that lit me up, and I knew I was meant for more. And when I say more, more in doing what lit me up, I knew I could do more. I knew I could bring more to the table.

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I knew I had skills that weren't being utilized being stuck behind a desk working long, long hours and so that's when I decided, after about nine years in the working world, that I was going to quit my job and pursue my own personal businesses being in network marketing, being in coaching and so many other things. Because one thing I don't like being put in boxes. I don't like just doing one thing I love to master things, I love to learn things, I love to dive deep in things, but I have a lot of passions and I love exploring many things. So I always saw myself in the long run, even as a child, as a multi-hyphenated entrepreneur or business owner or doing things so many different things and that is still my goal in life. But anyway, when I decided to quit, that was a really pivotal moment for me because for the first time in my life I felt so empowered at the thought of pursuing those dreams and those goals.

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But I also felt fucking scared, the fear, when that idea dropped in my mind to quit my job. I was earning very good money, above the average age. I'd bought a house, I had responsibilities. I was 25 at the time these things coming to my mind 26. And I felt the fear like you probably have never felt before. Because, first of all, how do you explain to people that you want to give everything up and go do something else when most people have never done that? There was nobody that I could relate to in my close circle because everybody just had the standard 9-5 jobs, which is absolutely fine for people if that's what feels good to them and that's what they want to do. But I had nobody to guide me, to mentor me, to show me a different way, because I didn't have any entrepreneurs in the family, I didn't have any friends kind of really doing that thing, and so I was having to sit in my own mind and figure these things out for myself and I would have periods of sleepless nights because I knew I had to do it. But I was so scared and when I finally decided to tell my parents, I think they realised how much I needed to do it, because they could see that what I was doing and the stress of my job and not being fulfilled was truly making me really poor. The stress was definitely building.

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I was getting insomnia. A lot of people don't know, but for about a year I used to have terrible insomnia. I am somebody who needs a good 8-9 hours sleep. Sleep is so precious to me. Now I will get as much as possible and I think it is one of the most valuable tools in making us feel healthier, keeping us healthier in the long run, just literally. Sleep is so underrated and I do really hate this hustle culture of oh, I only got 4 hours sleep today, but I'm still functioning. I'm still doing so amazing. Don't get me wrong. There are times when that is needed. But I don't feed into that culture anymore because I have been there and it created burnout, it created stress, it created physical illnesses within my body and, as I said at one point, I had insomnia and that was a mixture of fear and paralysis around moving into the unknown and moving into the life that I wanted to create, and also the fear of saying stuck where I was, being unfulfilled and staying in this constant state of stress, tiredness and just pure hatred for where I was in my life.

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And so I really went through that and a lot of people don't know that. So in this podcast you are really going to get to know about me on a deeper, deeper level, because people may have heard about my struggles here and there on Instagram, because I do share a lot, because I think it's important to be real, but there's never really the opportunity to go really deep into those kind of things. And for a year I barely slept. I was running on fumes and it was making me really poorly. And I remember my mum would check into me and say did you manage to sleep last night, hannah, and I checked my sleep and it would say you had one hour's sleep, but it was light sleep and I just felt exhausted all the time. But being somebody who's very energetic, being somebody who has a lot of natural energy, being somebody who doesn't like to let people down, being somebody who holds himself to very high standards and a lot of pressure, I would show up every day to all my obligations, to everything I had going on, despite having no sleep.

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So, getting back on track, back to the fear piece. The reason I say that is because fear really is something that can put you in a really, really overwhelmed state, and suppressing it is the worst thing you can do, because it can, as I said, lead to these kind of things, and that's what I did. It led me to insomnia, literally it led me to insomnia, and so once I started to identify these fears and work with them, it really changed my life. So I quit my job in September 19,. It was my last shift and I rented my house out and I moved home with my parents At 20,. How old was I? 26 years old, 27 years old.

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I moved back in with my parents, having been an independent person, living on my own with my own house for years, and that was a really tough decision, but I knew for me I needed to be able to create in a safe space, feel supported financially and not worried about when the next bill was gonna be paid and am I gonna be earning enough money so that I could truly create what I wanted to create. But that in itself also brought a lot of fear, because I like to be in my own space. I thrive on my own independence, I thrive doing things my own way, and so having to move back into that space was also really difficult, but I did it and that was one of the hardest things that I overcame. So when I'm talking to you about all of these things, please know that I've been through it all. I still face it, but it does definitely get easier because I know how to deal with these things when they come up.

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So identifying your fears is one of the first things that you can do, whether that, as I said, be a fear in a relationship. So many people are fearful of being vulnerable, because being vulnerable means you can potentially be hurt, because people understand what your needs are. People can see your vulnerability. Or, if it's stepping into a new job, the fear of what if this I don't like it, or what if I take a step backwards? Or what if I have to get paid less and I don't have enough money to cover my bills? What if I fail? What if I don't succeed? What if so many things can go through your head, and so I totally get that. But the next thing you need to remember is that fear can be an advantage, because it's trying to communicate something with you. So being able to see it as okay, what is this trying to tell me, is a whole new reframe that we can really learn something from. So when you're sitting with fear and being able to reframe it and say, okay, what is this trying to tell me? Okay, this is trying to tell me.

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So in my situation, I was fearful of failing, of letting people down, and that's because I held myself to such a high standard. So once I started to recognize that, I started to do the work about okay, well, what if I reframe this in the sense of I can't fail? Failure is a part of life. If you're scared of failure, you're never going to achieve anything, and that doesn't just mean in a business entrepreneurial perspective. That means with anything. So once I started tapping into that, I was like, okay, what if I accept failure as part of the process, and coming to terms with that was one of the biggest realizations that helped me move forward, because actually, yeah, failing is part of the process, but who is to say that I have failed, except myself?

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Conditions and society and things that people say and put on us make us believe that failure is a bad thing, when actually no failure just gets us closer to success. Failure gets us closer to learning more about ourselves, learning more about the world, because there's so many lessons that can be taken from failure. Let's look at the light bulb. The light bulb was not created on its first go. We know that the light bulb took about a thousand attempts, a thousand failures, before we got the light bulb. But what happened was we now have something that is used in most of the first world country in every single home. Yet we forget how many times that it failed before it became a success.

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And so once you start reframing that and realizing that okay, I accept failure as part of the process you start to feel more empowered, and so let it fear be a way to communicate with you, to dive deeper and to reframe into what you need to, and that is hard. That is part of the inner work that most people don't want to do, because it shows things that you have tried to avoid. As I said, I didn't want to admit to myself that I was fearful of failure. I don't want to admit to myself that I was fearful of letting people down, because I like to think of myself as somebody who does things for themselves and is confident and doesn't need approval of other people. But ultimately there was an element of that, because otherwise I wouldn't have been fearful of letting people down if I was okay with doing things without needing people's approval. So that is where the inner work really starts.

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Also, sometimes sitting with your fear can be so powerful and doing nothing. Sometimes, when we try to move through fear too quickly, it can result in us doing things that can be detrimental. So sometimes we can reach for an alcoholic drink or we can reach for comfort food or we can do things that sabotage us because we've tried to suppress the fear or move through the fear too quickly. Sometimes, just sitting with the fear and doing nothing is what we need to do first to see what stories we're telling ourselves, to see what we're saying to ourselves, so that we can move through it in the positive, correct way, rather than rushing it and then sabotaging that movement and that action because we haven't actually sat with our thoughts.

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The next thing, and one of the biggest things that has been a learning curve for me, is recognizing the excuses that fear produces. A lot of the time, we will make excuses, and that might be controversial for people to hear, because it's easy to say, well, these things are true, I don't have time, I don't have the space for this, I don't have the skills, I don't have the knowledge. Those things are true, but they're still stories that we're telling ourselves and recognizing those excuses and sitting with them and saying, okay, well, maybe I don't have time, but why don't I have time? Am I feeling my day up so much because I'm avoiding doing the one thing that I know is going to grow me. I'm avoiding doing the one thing that is going to push me to be my next self or move the needle forward to that next part of the goal that I want to achieve in my life. Is that why I have no time?

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And sometimes it's actually looking at those excuses and seeing, okay, what can I do to accommodate that and overcome that fear? So maybe you do need to drop something that is actually not a priority, that actually isn't serving you. To free up half an hour, to free up an hour. Sometimes it's just recognizing that this excuse is just trying to hold you where you are, that ego is saying I am comfortable here and being comfortable feels good. Feel comfortable is safe, feeling comfortable is the known, and so I am going, my brain is going to tell me these stories to keep me here. And once you recognize that and say, wait what? I can actually tell myself a new story, and so recognizing that can be so powerful.

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One thing that's really amazing to know and that I've learned over time is that we can literally crave the state that we're in as a bodily response, as a cellular response, even if it's not serving us. Things such as anxiety, they literally that state of anxiety, can become so comfortable and so known to us that as soon as we try to do something, even if it's going to serve us better, even if it's going to improve us, even if it's going to stop those anxiety feelings, our body will try and stop us because we have literally become used to the chemical response that it releases in our body. And so again, knowing that and being grateful that our body's trying to protect us and being aware that our body's trying to protect us but, at the same time, being able to accept it and then give yourself a new story, is so powerful. So one of the exercises that I also love to do is, first of all, imagine the worst outcome of a situation, the fear that's holding you back, like actually imagine the worst outcome, because more often than not, it's actually not as bad as we're making out to be in our head.

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The worst thing in my head when I quit my job was I'm not going to make any money, I'm not going to be successful. How am I like? I don't know what I'm doing and therefore, if I don't make money, then how am I going to pay my bills? How am I going to do XYZ? Okay? So, looking at that story, that could stop me from doing what I wanted to do. That could stop me from quitting my job. But instead I decided to tell myself okay, the worst case scenario is I have no money, and me having no money means I can't pay my bills.

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So what can I do to eliminate that fear? First of all, I can get a part-time job to pay those bills and know that I don't have the pressure of needing to be in that secure nine to five job and I can pursue my dreams and my passions. The next thing that I can do is know that I have these qualifications to fall back on. I have skills I'm not going to go back to square one from. If I go and quit my job now, I'm going to be going back a hundred times more knowledgeable, a hundred times more skillful than I was five, 10 years ago. So actually I'll be able to find a job, do what should I need to. I'll be able to go back into something should I need to. So, actually, is this the worst case scenario? Is it actually as bad as we think?

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And then looking at ways that you can make that feel better in your mind. The next thing to do is to look for evidence. Look for evidence in other people who have had or achieved what you want to do. Because if you're telling yourself, I can't be successful because I don't have enough skills, go and look for people who share their story that say I failed at school, I didn't get the exam results I needed, I came from a terrible upbringing and I had no resources to help me. Yet I overcame them by doing xyz, or I overcame them by taking action and moving through that fear. Anyway, by looking for evidence, you can start retraining your brain to supporting your dreams and goals and overcoming those fears, because there is always another truth, there is always another story that you can retrain your brain to believe, and it's just being aware of the current story and then choosing to retell a new story to yourself. And one of the most powerful things I've done is deciding in a moment when I'm having a moment of fear do I want to take this story on or will it not serve me? And if it will not serve me, I say do you know what Whilst that story is their truth? I choose not to take that on as my truth. My truth is that I am going to be successful because I know that I can learn the skills, I can learn the knowledge At any point. I went to school to learn, so why can't I keep learning now? If I don't know it, I can learn how to do it. I can invest time to become successful, to master what I need to master, and that is really, really powerful.

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I also love, and I will mention here. While we're talking about things and taking on new beliefs, obviously a lot of this comes from your subconscious brain and it's things that have been, you know, wired into you for a long, long time, since you were a child, stories that you've taken on based on conditioning from society, from your parents, from observing things, and so we do need to look at the subconscious and rewiring those beliefs, and this is where things like affirmations can become really powerful. I love affirmations and a lot of people think that affirmations are just airy-fairy. There's actually so much science which I'm not going to go into here. I'll definitely cover an affirmations podcast in a solo episode again but affirmations can literally rewire your brain. So, even if you don't believe it right now, you can literally create new pathways in your brain and new beliefs as a result of affirmations.

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So one of the things that I started doing when I first started my self-development journey was looking at areas that I wanted to improve in my life whether that be confidence, whether that be self-doubt, whether that be fitness, what health, whatever areas that I thought that I was kind of struggling with and would want to become better at or empower myself to improve. To level up, I would start doing affirmations and writing affirmations, and one of the most powerful things and important things is to always write them in the present tense, because you need to become that, but you need to teach your brain to believe it now. So things like I am learning to become confident. I am confident, I am powerful. Repeating those every single day, your brain will slowly start to believe it. Your brain will then look for scenarios and situations to prove to you that you are confident and to prove to you that you are powerful. And so tapping into affirmations when you're going through this whole fear process is super powerful and also auto suggestion. So it's taking affirmations and repeating them to yourself in the mirror and looking at yourself in the eye and really getting deep and in the feeling, those statements that you're making, and it's so, so, so powerful. So, again, that's something that I tapped into and would definitely recommend for you If you're struggling.

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One app that I absolutely love for affirmations is called the ThinkUp app. I think it's available on well, it's definitely available on iPhone. I can't be certain for Android, but I'm 90% sure it is. If not, you can definitely find alternatives out there. But basically, the ThinkUp app allows you to record yourself and record affirmations and then you can literally put them on a loop and listen to them in the morning, whether that be in the shower, on your commute, when you first wake up, as you're just meditating, and also as you fall to sleep. So I would have mine on a loop and I would fall to sleep listening to my affirmations, and that was really, really powerful and I saw some really amazing transformations for myself during that period and it's definitely something that I like to incorporate in my day to day routine and something that has definitely helped me move past a lot of fear.

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Another thing that you can do when trying to move through fear is surrounding yourself with people who have had the success that you want to achieve. So, as I said, yes, this can be looked at from a business or entrepreneurial point of view, but also in a work environment. Is there somebody who's moved up the work environment and or working in a way that really resonates with you, that feels really good, they're an amazing manager or they're amazing person and they work in a way that feels really good and they're happy at work, or is there people in relationships that you really admire who are doing the work, who have a really open, vulnerable relationship, who work on their relationship. Like, proximity is power, so who is doing what you want to do? If you can put yourselves in spaces and find people that are in that power, then that is going to really help you move through that fear, because they've been there. Most likely they've done it and they've moved through it, so they can mentor you, they can guide you or you can even at least learn from afar. That's why mentors coaches, are so powerful.

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But for me, when I first was looking at leaving my job to begin with, I just started finding people that I could be close to, day in, day out, and that came from, as I said, youtube videos, listening to podcasts, where I was learning from people doing the things that I wanted to do and hearing wait. They've done that and they felt exactly like I did, like that was really powerful for me and that really moved me towards leaving my job and helping me gain that power to take the risk and do what I wanted to do with my life and move myself closer to that dream life, and so that is definitely something that I would suggest is surrounding yourself with people who have achieved what you want to do. Another thing is moving into a growth mindset, and one of I will definitely talk about this in more detail. But a growth mindset means that you're always open to learn, you're always open to evolve rather than being fixed in your beliefs, fixed in your ways. You're never going to move through fear if you have a fixed mindset.

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So, looking at continuously improving yourself, but knowing that you also have a lot of answers within yourself and this is one of the things I wanted to create within Power Thyself podcast was I'm going to give you information, I'm going to share insights, I'm going to have guests who share personal experiences. Experts have done things that people want to achieve and share that with you, and that's amazing and that should hopefully spark some inspiration. If it resonates with you, you can go away and action it, but taking what feels good and leaving what doesn't feel good. If it doesn't, if what I'm saying doesn't resonate with you, don't take that on as your, as I said, your truth, your belief, your new thing you need to do, just choose to say that was a cool bit of information, but actually it doesn't resonate, so I'm going to leave that. But this bit of information feels really good to me and I'm going to go away and see how I can incorporate that into my day to day life or my routine and do it that way and empower yourself and sit with it and think hold on a minute, I know a lot of these answers.

Speaker 1:

Now you've said that, now you've shared that bit of information. I feel like I already knew this. So what can I do to listen to myself more and really feel into that power and use what comes up as well? Use your own insights, use your own knowledge to empower yourself and don't just take everybody else's information and think that because of that, oh, I didn't know that, so I'm not good enough, or I don't do that, so I'm not good enough. That is the one thing that I want you to take away from these episodes is really taking what resonates, but also trusting yourself, knowing you have the answers, and empowering yourself to apply things when it feels amazing, but also choosing to leave things on the table when it doesn't. And so having that growth mindset is gonna be so powerful for you as you grow, as you evolve, as you move through fear.

Speaker 1:

Also, looking for lessons when you look for lessons, because you are going to have major lessons when you do things, you know that don't work out. When you do have setbacks, when things don't work out as you planned and you think, wait, I took that action, I moved through that fear and I still didn't achieve what I wanted to achieve, that's when you need to look at it and think okay, so what lessons can I get from this? Did I need to learn something here to actually be able to move forward and achieve what I wanted to achieve? Was this bit of information really valuable for me in order to be able to move to my next level, in order to be able to move towards my dream life, in order to be able to move to my next step, my next goal? What's the lesson?

Speaker 1:

So, again, something I sit with myself regularly. If something doesn't turn out the way I wanted to, I don't sit and dwell in a negative mindset and a negative space. Of course, I allow myself to feel the feelings and the emotions of what that is, because we are only human and we do need to let those emotions move through us rather than letting them become stagnant energy. But once I've allowed myself to feel those feelings, I then sit there and ask myself where's the lesson? What can I take from this, and that's a really empowering place to be in, because then things become less scary. You feel less fear next time because you have the lessons from previous times to be able to apply to a new situation, to a new fear, and that is something that's really, really helped me to move forward.

Speaker 1:

And one of the things another little tool that I also love here, using the five second rule, and that is, when I feel that fear before I can talk myself out of it, sitting there and counting to five and on five I do it. So whether that be jumping on a live on Instagram to share something, whether that be jumping on to record a podcast, but then I don't think I have enough information or I'm not sure how it's going to flow. Clicking that record button after five seconds and doing that is gonna slowly, over time, teach you and your brain to trust that you can do it, because the more that you show up, the more that you do things. When they feel difficult, when they feel hard, they start to become more normal and they feel less scary, and so your brain's like, okay, I've felt this feeling before and actually it turned out. Okay, it turned out amazingly. I actually was fine, and so I'm okay sitting with this feeling again, because I know it worked out last time. So you're teaching your brain, you're teaching your body that these feelings are okay and they're safe, even if they are unknown, and that's something that I really, really love to tap into.

Speaker 1:

These are some of the main tips, the main tricks, the main tools that I've tapped into to really step forward into fear. And, as I said, it's not something that we will ever get rid of and we shouldn't want to remove fear. We shouldn't stop feeling it. It's so powerful when we can use it in the ways that I've talked about in this podcast. You want to learn from it. You want to learn how to feel it, redirect it, understand it and utilize it for your greatest power, and you will see transformations in your life like you've never seen before. You will step into a new you, you will up level your life and you will start doing things that you never thought you could do before.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, we're not here to remove the fear, we're not here to stop feeling it. We are here to lean into it, we are here to redirect it and we are here to move through it, and that, as I said, is where we are going to grow the most and where we are going to inspire people to also start doing it as well, and so I really really hope that looking at all these things for yourself has been helpful and that you can go away today and, if there's something that you know really resonated and there's something that you're struggling with, know that you're not alone. Know that we are all feeling the same at different times and different stages of our life, but we can all go, do and achieve and become that next level person that we want to by utilizing these tools. I really really hope that this has helped you in any way and I would really love to hear your feedback. And if you want to find out more or discuss anything or delve deeper with and you'd like some help, please reach out to me on my socials. I'm always open to having a discussion and sharing more insights with people and helping people, and there are ways that you're going to be able to work with me as I launch my coaching programs as well, which is going to be super, super powerful. Also, I will just mention, there is a guy on Instagram called Ben Harris, also known as the Fear Guy, who has super, super powerful tips and tricks that he shares that delve into what I've shared today in podcasts. So give him a follow as well and see if anything that he shares can help resonate with you.

Speaker 1:

I hope you've enjoyed this episode and I'm so happy that I've been able to share something that I've been wanting to talk about for such a long time in more detail. Have an amazing day peace, love and empowerment. It's the end of another episode. I hope you've loved it and took something valuable away today. I would really appreciate you sharing these episodes with friends and family and, even better, leaving an Apple podcast review. This really helps me reach a new and bigger audience, which is my goal with this podcast. To ensure you don't miss any episodes, make sure you hit the subscribe button now and connect with me on Instagram at HanakateGarner and come and say hi. I really do love connecting with you all. Thank you so much for listening. I look forward to joining me again next week.

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