Empower Thyself with Hannah Garner


Hannah Garner Season 2 Episode 86

Have you ever sat quietly, feeling an inner nudge push you towards a decision that seems illogical to the world, but somehow feels right to you? That's your intuition at work, and in this episode, we're joined by the remarkable Yasmin Ibrahim, an intuitive guide for life and business, who teaches us to listen to this inner voice, to trust it and to let it guide us towards our truth. Yasmin shares her transformative journey from a traumatic past to a life of prosperity, shedding light on the evolution of her intuition and the power it holds.

We explore the fascinating realms of intuition, manifesting desires, and personal transformation. Yasmin shares gems of wisdom about using our feelings as a compass, navigating through the upsetting memories stuck within us, and manifesting our deepest desires by focusing on the feelings we yearn for, rather than material possessions. We also delve into the often challenging journey of transformation; how our relationships evolve as we do, and the importance of clear and specific intentions.

The conversation takes an even deeper turn as we discuss the concept of intuitive downloads. We learn to recognise these moments of profound insight, and how to discern which ones to act upon. Yasmin reveals how our ancestral lineage influences our understanding and encourages us to embrace, and even find comfort in differing truths. Together, we explore the art of stepping into our inner power, overcoming fear, and leveraging the world's pressure to bring out our best. Join us in this insightful episode and discover how to embrace your truth and transform your life.

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Peace and Love Han x

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Empower Thyself podcast.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to add a quick introduction here because there are going to be one or two episodes that I am Releasing from way back when I first started the podcast. So I just wanted to add a little intro to it, because the reason I wanted to do this is there were one or two episodes that were really popular with you guys and also whereby I feel like they're really Helpful for the current climate that we find ourselves in. So there is a lot out there, and I'm doing an episode on discernment that has been released and I feel like it complements these areas really well, because I'm talking about fear and how you can overcome that, and also With a guest episode whereby we talk about connecting to your intuition and your own internal like clock and monitor, and I think At the moment, given the situation that we find ourselves in, whereby there's so much information out there, we're trying to figure out what's right, wrong, what feels good to us, we're trying to empower ourselves and, knowing that these were some of the most popular episodes that I've done, along with a few others, it felt right to re-release them. So, whilst I'm away, I thought let me do that for you. I'm sure many of you haven't even listened to these episodes and also, even if you have, sometimes the same way is like when you rewatch a film and you pick up like because you're, your consciousness and your awareness has changed, you've grown, evolved and shifted since the last time you listened to it. You might have new perspectives, you might have new thoughts, you might have new insights, you might have new kind of light bulb moments that help you For where you are now. So, with that being said, I just thought I'd do a quick intro to reintroduce them. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you do listen, and that is all I wanted to share. And back to the episodes.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to empower thyself podcast. I'm your host, hannah Garner, your intuitive prosperity and mindset mentor, and I am so honored that you are here. I am obsessed with helping people to tap into their unique brilliance, build inner trust and Supporting you to evolve and build a peaceful, joyful and prosperous life. The intention of this podcast is to bring you a varied number of topics, wisdom, knowledge and insights that are gonna spike your curiosity and Actually provide you with practical and tangible tools that can change your life so that you can go away, you can try things on for size and see what resonates and if it would work for you in the day to day. The weekly episodes are here to empower you and help you build that inner trust muscle and ultimately, you know you best, you know what you need, and so I always want you to remember that when listening to these episodes, whilst also bringing levity and fun to the self-development World and topics. Come join me today in this week's episode and let's have so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to empower thyself podcast with me, your host, hannah Garner.

Speaker 1:

In today's episode, I am joined by an incredible guest who's no nonsense and also very logical and simple way she shares Her spiritual practices really resonated with me, so I really really wanted to get her on the podcast we're going to be looking at focusing on connecting with your truth, working with your intuition, which I think in today's climate and current Situation is so, so vital and as well as touching on lots of spiritual elements. So please be super open-minded and ready to learn and take so much away from my guest today, who is Yasmin Abraham, and Yasmin is an intuitive guide for life and business, having come from a world of trauma and insecurities to flourishing in all areas for life, through spiritual practices and action-based behaviors. She has made it her mission and purpose to help people not only excel, but supersede any expectations they have of themselves and what is achievable in this life, the basis of which has always been to keep it super simple and achievable, and setting solid foundations which promote lasting growth and results. So thank you so much for joining me today, yasmin.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for asking me such a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited. So I think, as always, I love to start very simply and just let's dive into your journey to get you from where you may have been to where you are now, as an intuitive guide for life and business.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the very, very beginning. I was born a psychic and a medium, so I could see spirits from a very, very young age. I do recall them coming to the bottom of my bed and showing themselves and just being being terrified that they were these weird people. I didn't realize there were spirits, I thought they were actual people. So I would see things, have premonitions, know a lot of things, and my parents pretty much shut me down because they thought that I was tapping into what could possibly be unhealthy energy. So you know there are. There's always a concern of are you calling in low vibrational energy, demons, that kind of stuff, so they didn't really support me in it. Yeah, in the 70s. So you know, I know it was going into the more kind of hippie vibe, but I was not embraced for this but it, so I shut it down and throughout my life it kept popping up, trying to give me signals. And so many of you listening will resonate with this when your gut is trying to tell you something and you ignore it right.

Speaker 2:

I did it time and time again. I did it with relationships, I did it with jobs. I did it with situations. I was trying to get myself into my gut. My intuition was always trying to tell me to not do it, but I never trusted it. You know, I was stuck in my really toxic patterns. So, as in the introduction you shared about my trauma in my past, you know I had sexual, physical, emotional, mental abuse From a child, very young child, so it was already on the back foot. So it's like look, I can't trust my environment, I can't trust myself. How can I possibly trust my intuition? So I continue to ignore it.

Speaker 2:

So this went on for many, many years to failed marriages, which taught me a lot, and in 2010, I had a huge awakening. Now I call these spiritual slaps in the face whereby Something drastic happens so that it changes the course of your life. So mine was a suicide attempt in 2010 following the breakup of my marriage. It was quite an intense marriage with lots of things that I'm legally not allowed to say, but let's just say it was one of the most testing times in my life. The attempt obviously failed. As I'm sat here in front of it was my third suicide attempt. So you know, I really wanted to get off this planet, but you know my God, as I knew it had other plans for me. It's like nope, you're not going anywhere. By all means, I should be dead.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not with the amount of things that I took to try and wipe myself out, but I'm glad I'm not and I'm glad I'm here. And then that went on to give me an awakening and I started to read energy, see energy, be able to read people's energy, but I really didn't know what I was doing with it. And then I was still stuck in the trauma patterns as well, living out the trauma responses and, you know, not really self-fulfilling, my connection wasn't there. And then, 2012, I got cancer. That was a beautiful lesson and it really humbled me in so much of my life because I had led A very materialistic life. You know, through first class, I drove 120 grand Porsche Carrera. You know, I had nice things. I just, you know, I'd think nothing of going to the Pivio Westwood shop and dropping a few thousand pounds on an outfit, but you know, I had to wear one.

Speaker 2:

So, you know, very materialistic, very detached, and then the cancer just really begun to humble me and built a deeper connection with myself. So I went into self-healing and I had two tumours, one of which disappeared and the other one halved in size through this feeling, very powerful practices. And then, moving on from that, in about in 2014, I had major surgery again, and this is an interesting part, because I had to have a tumour removed that was the size of a grapefruit. It's like a five and a half hour operation, very complex, and they put me into ICU afterwards and my boyfriend at the time came to see me and I was just like who are all these people here? And he said there isn't anybody here. There's a couple of patients and there's a nurse. And I said do you have? I can see the room full of people. And he said, darling, you must be, you know, hallucinating or coming off the anaesthetic. I was, I knew I was not high. I felt myself and my mediumship had opened up and they were ready.

Speaker 2:

They were like, right, you can see us now, you're now going to talk to us. And I was like, oh wow. And I was. I'd just come off the ventilator because they'd collapsed my lung and I was questioning myself, thinking, am I really seeing them? Yeah, you know, am I high on something? Because I'd had a little morphine, but it didn't stop. They just kept coming and coming and coming.

Speaker 2:

So I thought, well, the only responsible thing to do is to learn how to channel all this.

Speaker 2:

So I did some healing courses, learned how to channel, didn't particularly like the style of healing that I was was doing. So, basically, I took the best bits of everything I loved and I'm a prolific reader. I'm always reading something, watching something, getting new techniques, channeling and I developed my own techniques and what I realized is the spiritual world is very fluffy, yes, and is not direct, and will use language and terminology that may not be familiar to most people and feels a little bit unreachable some of the states of being feel unreachable. So I thought, well, how can I simplify this for people xt Dat, show everyone that they have this? It's not unique to me, Everyone's got it. Every person I have met has been able to do this. There has only been two people that will not allow themselves to go in here because they're so terrified. I work with thousands of people, so you know I have the ability to help anybody connect through practices that are so simple. They're like is that it?

Speaker 2:

And I'm like yes, that's it, you know. I don't believe that anything has to be complicated. I don't believe that the healing journey has to be a warrior's journey where you're howling and crying and punching things. I don't believe in that. I believe everything can be gentle. I don't believe the body needs. When a body's in trauma already, it doesn't need more aggression on it. It needs to be calm.

Speaker 2:

So everything I did was gentle and, because of my past and the toxic behaviors and the abuse that I'd experienced, my first set of clients were going through abuse. So that's where I started and they started building better relationships with themselves and others. And then they'd say, well, can you help me to help others? And then I turned it into helping coaches and healers and wellbeing experts, turn it into a business. So it's evolved as I've evolved, but you know, as I said, anyone can do this and it's not reading energy from one place. So I could read your energy, hannah. Yeah, so be able to see your loved ones stood behind you, wow, that's crazy and I could also connect to the house that you live in and understand the energy.

Speaker 2:

And then I could also read your past, present and future. And then I could also read you know, if you said I've got a friend who lives in Australia and they're in this situation, I wouldn't need to know their name, I don't really need to know where they live, I can give you a straight answer about them. So I told myself I could do it all, and that's what I teach everyone you can do it If you're willing to believe it.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty much it in a nutshell Wow, such a powerful story. And first of all, I just want to say we're so glad you're still here as well, because you won't be sharing your gift with the world and it's such a vulnerable journey, but also probably a profound one, and no doubt all of this suppression of listening to your gut and everything like that over time, rightly or wrongly, has got you here today. If you hadn't done that, would you be doing what you're doing now? I guess it's such a powerful story.

Speaker 1:

So, from what you've shared then because to me it sounds especially to somebody who may be very unopened to these things I'm very open to anything in life. I just think so many things I've seen they almost impossible become possible. I'm always open, but some people are a little bit more closed off, potentially because of fear or the way it's twisted or, as you say, it seems unattainable. But I guess connecting to your truth is so, so important. And what I would just love to know is, when people are kind of going on this start, this spiritual journey, how do they kind of do that in a way that allows them to start opening up to the possibilities and to connecting to your truth, because it can seem like a scary place, and I know that my own personal journey has definitely developed. If you spoke to me five or six years ago, I'd have told you you're talking a load of shit to be honest and that's the honest truth.

Speaker 1:

But I went through my own journey. I went through and I've seen things and I've done the reading and I've done becoming more conscious of where, about things, and I've got to a stage now where I am able to ask for guidance and I definitely receive it. But that's taken me a long time to get there because I was resistant. So how do people open that kind of that first step? What do they do?

Speaker 2:

Such a good question and, by the way, I would say I was also that person and Medium told me I'd be doing this and I told her to get off her loony tree. I was like no, you're ridiculous. You just laughed at me. And yeah, she said I told you. So Everything she said was exactly what I did. So where do you stop? Well, it's so simple, but it's whether you can actually trust it.

Speaker 2:

So there's two elements to us, and one is the brain and the ego, which basically will keep you stuck in patterns. So all on your timeline being all of your past. From the day you're perceived, there will be experiences that have been had where you've become stuck. So that might be mom's abandoned me, but actually what she's done is she's left you with the baby sister and she's gone out for a night, but you as a child cannot comprehend what that's actually means.

Speaker 2:

There's a bit of trauma that's stuck. You might have experienced something heavier, which would be either perceived abuse, so sometimes we don't like the way someone might hug us and we perceive that as a violation. That's the former. Then there might be sexual, physical, emotional, all that kind of stuff. There's a lot of misinterpretation going on as we are children because we do not have the experience or developed brain to have them situation. So they get stuck as trauma, they form your patterns. Okay, this is the part of you that says nah, this is what says, don't trust it. And of course, as an adult, you're like oh gosh, I wasn't abandoned, mother just went to work and we had baby sister. As an adult you can see that, but as a child you can't. So, though you have the awareness, as an adult, those programs will still be running. So the ego's got a very loud voice.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The way to know the truth is to have an awareness of your feelings and your emotions. So your soul because we are a human and a soul your soul guides you on this incarnation via your feelings and emotions. So if you are, for instance, have you ever gone on a date? And on the first date you see the red flags but you ignore them?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, definitely yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we might say, oh, I didn't really like what he said, I'll give him a chance. Or he didn't really feel right, or I'll give him a chance. Right, your feelings are telling you this isn't right, but your ego or mind is telling you, nah, don't listen, go for it, go on, let's go, go on, let's go. Get used to this. So I did this spectacularly in my life. Yeah, you know, if there was trouble, I'd go come on over here, come into my world. That'd be me and I wouldn't listen to the gut. Yeah, so, first, acknowledge your feelings and emotions and secondly, sense your body. So have you ever walked into a room and gone? Oh, it doesn't feel right in here.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever felt that? Yes, quite strongly, actually as well. Interestingly, after COVID I felt like the first time I went for dinner I actually said to my other half. I said I feel anxious. I said I suddenly realized this is not my anxiety, because I don't have anxiety. It was the room's like collective anxiousness and I was like I feel really weird and then I had to say, no, it's not me, it's everybody else.

Speaker 2:

That's such a good example. That's a really, really good example. So we inherit other people's feelings, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah but you felt it in yourself and you understood. It's not me, I don't get anxiety, it's the room. So that's your truth, if you like. Yeah. So sometimes you, someone, might say something to you and out of the blue, you get a message or you feel something, or you hear something, which I call a download. A download is a piece of information that's given to you from somewhere and most of us think it's our brain, and often it's not Right. We have a spontaneous thought that says that's not right, but we ignore it because we're like, no, it can't be, because the ego is like no, no, no, no, no, go on, go on, create something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a silly thought. What are you thinking that for? Yeah, debbie says silly exactly so.

Speaker 2:

Feelings and emotions. Listen to that feeling, whether it's a thought that randomly pops into your head or your body is physically trying to tell you something. Because our body and our heart is way ahead of the brain. Because, well, our heart particularly because it's the first thing that forms in the womb- Wow, okay. It has to pump the blood around everyone. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it makes sense. So, if you're always in your heart, you're always in your truth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now the hardest thing is is when you start listening to it. Then you start doing things that are different from everybody else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Because then you're like no, I don't wanna go to that, don't worry, I'm not really feeling it. The energy's not right. No, come on, come on. Well, come out drinking and you might say I'm not, I don't really want to get really drunk and have a hangover, like I just not not my vibe anymore. So you start doing things that are different and people then start saying what's happened to you? You've changed. So then you have to decide do I want to be in this new version of me or do I want to go along with them? Or can I find a middle ground where I know how much time to spend in that space, but still be me? So as you start listening to your gut, you are gonna change. You're gonna lose friends. You're gonna see the truth about your friendships. You're gonna see the truth about your relationships. There's no hiding from it. So if you're going on this journey, be prepared for your life to change.

Speaker 1:

That's all I'm gonna say yeah, no, I totally resonate with that and I definitely think that's happened to me over, as I said, probably the last five or six years, but definitely the last three years more intensely. And it used to infuriate me because, as I was going on this journey, it was very difficult because I'd always been good at reading people anyway, without like from a spiritual perspective, just generally speaking, I was very good at knowing whether people were lying to me, if things didn't feel right, and I was always been quite good at protecting my energy. But it got so much more difficult as I was going on the journey. Like you say, you don't want to cut people off necessarily, in that sense you don't think you want to, but sometimes it almost becomes impossible to be around certain people anymore. And I went on that journey and it became very lonely and at some point I do have my closest people around me. That I'm very grateful for.

Speaker 1:

But a lot has changed and everybody kept trying to keep me in the old box like, well, you used to be really opinionated and you used to be this way and that way, and I was thinking, talking to me, but somebody who was 16, 17, 18 years old, who was had a very big ego about being wrong and didn't want to be all of these things going on. That I've bloody worked hard to work through now and so trying to keep me that same person. It was really hard and so in the end I did end up having to cut ties because I kept. People kept almost like it was almost like I'd go 10 steps forward and then I felt people were pulling me five steps back and then 10 steps forward and then another five steps back, and it was definitely a journey, but one that I'm super grateful for.

Speaker 1:

But what's really interesting about what you shared in there was often you just kind of get downloads or information and I think because at one point I was so disconnected from my body I got nothing. I can honestly say for a while I didn't feel emotions. A part of that was related definitely to also taking synthetic hormones. There's a few nuances within that, but I didn't have any emotions or anything like that. But as I've slowly started creating more space just to be silent, because I struggle with that, because I'm a very fast-paced person, but also just taking a minute to see what crops up and following it has seen the most profound transformation, that I've had.

Speaker 1:

I've started doing things like even what the way I've manifested to be able to come down to London in the new year. I didn't do anything, that all came to me. I put the intention out there and then every little drop, like I spoke to somebody who rang me who normally I'd have just been like I'm not interested. You know I'd ignore that. Follow that gut. So that's really interesting. So when the people are kind of doing the first step, they're starting to trust, they're starting to listen, is there best practices that they can start incorporating into that? You know, journaling or ways to kind of start testing it or playing with it a bit more and seeing how it works and how it feels for them in their body?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean just what you said about your own experience, if I may touch on that, because I've just rolled in that first of all, you said that you know your old friendships were trying to pull you back. You know they're trying to pull you back into something that's acceptable for them and comfortable for them.

Speaker 2:

And when you outgrow that they have a fear of losing you, so they grip on tighter. So anyone who's going through this journey at the moment will experience a bit of that. The other thing that you said, which is gold, is that you set the intention of something that you wanted, right? So anyone out there that's manifesting or trying to manifest, here's the thing you guys are probably not specific enough. Like, in your intention, did you say where you wanted to move in London? What kind of place did you want? Or did you just throw it out? Were you quite?

Speaker 1:

I've actually been quite specific of the area because I've had it on my idea for a long time just because I love it and it's like a non-negotiable. But the job itself is not where I'm going to be living, but that was kind of a stepping stone to get me into London. I'm not going full-time. I'm still doing my coaching. I'm still doing that was a one I basically manifested a job that didn't exist because I wanted it part-time, I wanted it to pay almost like a full-time salary so I could still pursue my podcast and all of this. But I was very specific and that's what I put out there.

Speaker 2:

So you've done I don't know if you were conscious of this or not, because I teach this in my vision boarding class and you've done 100% the right thing. What you did, you were specific. What you did is you tried to manifest something that you said didn't exist. Everything exists if you allow it to be, and this is the thing often when people are stuck in situations they're going to say, well, I can't get that job for this money and work three days a week. And I said why can't you? I said I manifested not working before mid-date any day of the week and working three days a week. That's what I do.

Speaker 2:

How did you do that? I was like I believed it could happen, and it's not up to me, it's up to the universe to make it happen. So you put in an order that was very specific and then you let it go. And that's the crucial part when we latch onto something hard, it has less opportunity to come in, so it's like holding a closed fist. This is my manifestation in my closed fist. Yet if I open my hand, I can then receive, and that's the difference, right.

Speaker 2:

It's so kind of closed about it, so that enables it to happen. But you asked, and one of the things that people don't do for best practices is they will assume that it's only them. It's this little box they're physically being in. It's them and everything's logical. Look, we're not. We are all atoms. Look at anything under a microscope and you'll see that it's all the same as us atoms energy. So if we put out a request or make a decision, it bounces off other things and it will resonate back Right. The biggest thing I say to people is if there's something you want, make a decision, even if you don't know if it's the right decision. Then just sit on it and I guarantee you inside 24 to 48 hours you'll find out whether that's the right decision or not, even before you've acted on it. It's energy will give you an answer. So that's the first thing. So ask best practices.

Speaker 2:

Secondly, our heads are busy. We've already established that I really recommend a time journal. So there's loads of journaling trends going on at the moment. One of the things that I found was really practical for me is because we lead busy lives is to do a 10 minute journal session. So basically, even if you don't know what you're gonna write. Before you have breakfast, before you do anything, because the moment you get up you're still in that hazy sleep which is still connected. You have a glass of water, hydrate, open your journal in book, I've just got notebooks. So set a timer for 10 minutes and I write, and I write anything that comes out of my head. I just write, okay. So when you've done that for four or five days, you'll start then writing about things that bother you, that you want in your life, that have come up for you. As long as you keep it to 10 minutes and the reason I say 10 minutes one is time restriction creates speed, speed in the way you think. It creates a pressure, so you're more likely, over a period of time, to start channeling really meaningful direction, things that really matter to you, things you need to let go of, and you can do it in 10 minutes. That's not where you're at right. Everyone can find 10 minutes in their day and even if you haven't finished writing and it goes over 10 minutes, just stop. Just stop, because all you're actually doing is you're training your mind to get concise, right. We only think we need to journal for half an hour because we think we need to journal for half an hour. If I told you, hannah, you need to produce a paragraph on I don't know some way that you've been, you've got five or 10 minutes you would order that very, very quickly.

Speaker 2:

The memory's come sharp, your laser, sharp focus. You do it right and that's, I believe, an intuition on demand. So if you ask me something, I'll get you the intuitive answer straight away, because I put the pressure on myself, and I don't mean pressure is in or can I do it, can't I do it, but time pressure to do it. And in my masterclass that's exactly what I'll do. I'll ask the question and I'll wait, and then I'll listen to the channel and I'll hear they've almost all got it and I'll be like, okay, so you must be getting it. Tell me the first thing. You got Always the first thing. So if you wanna learn to trust your gut, even before you've finished asking a question, the answer will be there. But your ego will get in the way. So listen to the very, very first thing. And whether it feels rational or irrational, because you might be going, nah, that's never gonna happen, I can't logically see it. But how is none of your business? The wish is your business. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So listen to the very, very first feeling or thought that comes in about that, because that's the right answer. Okay, keep a record of downloads, information, any random thoughts you're having, date it and keep a record of what they were. You will find that when you look back, those things are happening, they're manifesting into your reality.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So if you've got something tangible to look back on and say, oh yeah, I thought that, I felt that you know like we talked about, have you ever seen red flags and you've ignored them? And then a little while later, you're like oh, I felt that at the time I didn't feel this before.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, if you keep a record, you can see how often it's actually happening. Time journaling is phenomenal. I set an intention beforehand, if you can. My morning routine is to get water to get my journal out. I sage myself and my space. I ping my bowl because those are signals. They're signals to the universe that I'm about to create I time journal for 10 minutes and in that I might get what am I delivering next in my business? What do I need to do for my health? They can be a random set of answers. I get back, then I pay attention to everything I need to. I act on what I need to and leave the rest for that day. It's always in the day. I'm always asking for that day, yeah, and then I go about my business and act out everything that I was told to.

Speaker 1:

it all came up in the journal. Yeah, that's so powerful and it's really interesting actually, because, thinking about my manifestation, the way you mentioned it, I genuinely just could not. For the first time I did let go of control as far as I could see, Whereas normally I'm always trying to think, well, how could I make that happen? I'd have to do X, Y, you know what I mean. Like getting in the head, and this is the first time where I was like I literally asked and I was like I don't know how this is going to happen. I don't really care, Just I want it to happen so much. This is like my next step. And actually, as I said, it then came in super quick, it was super easy. Like basically it came so easily that I had an interview, got the job offer part time and then I managed to negotiate even 10k more full time equivalent and then more part time on the original offer. And I was just like I was literally sitting there afterwards just like how on earth did I get here? So it really showed me because I've been very in the past, I've very been open to manifesting and I have definitely manifested some amazing things, but it was very difficult to be consistent with it. But for the first time in a long time, in the last probably six to eight months, I've been very intentional with my energy and also tapping into things and I've led it. I've been more open and now I understand when people say let it go. I finally understand exactly what let it go means, because I've experienced it really fully. Now that was really interesting what you said, but then what also was really I really liked is in terms of like letting your intuition just come.

Speaker 1:

Throughout this whole process, I followed things as soon as I got an answer, even if they didn't make sense, Whereas before I would maybe like try and see what else came up first before following it, and then I'd forget what I thought, or I'd maybe get a bit confused or maybe there was too many options, and then I'd overthink it and then, like it was almost like the moment had gone, Whereas this time, like the woman, as I said, this lady reached out. I was actually shopping in Aldi or Lidl or one of them places, getting some bread, and I just said look, normally I'd be like I'm really sorry, I'm busy, I can't talk, not interested, Don't know why. But something said just speak to this lady. So I said look, ring me back in an hour. So she rang back when I was at home. She's like you've got an interview. No, I'm going to create a profile for you. I was like, yeah, but I'm really specific. Like I want part-time. Nobody's doing part-time in finance Like I want it, that's pay's enough. And da-da-da, she's like no, let me just create a profile. It's like fine, you do your way.

Speaker 1:

And then the next day I had an interview and just like, take the interview. And I was like I haven't prepared for it. And then something said to me just take the interview. If it's, you know, your personality will speak. If it doesn't work out, it's not going to be. And all those little things that in the past I'd have overthought, overdone, maybe said no to because I almost didn't feel ready. I almost feel like I was acting before I was ready.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, may I share something? This is really good because you really you really explain that well, and people are really frightened to let go because letting go does not show them what comes in. Yes, right, because how can I let go when I don't know what's going to take its place? Yes, all you need to do with that is decide what you would you like to take its place, and then the letting go process becomes easier. If you know what you want to call in, if you know what that feels like, like in your body, how would that feel? How would it impact your life? How would it impact your partner or your loved ones, or your family, or your children or your friends? What does it enable you to do? When you get into the feeling of it, the manifestation becomes quicker because you're not. Nobody is chasing money or a relationship. What you're chasing is money. You're chasing perhaps being knowledge, status, security, safety. Those are the feelings you're after, and if you self-fulfill those, money will mean nothing to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

I don't mean it means nothing, because of course it has a value. If I can achieve 10 grand months without focusing on money but focusing on how I wanted myself to feel and how people I worked with, what I wanted to do with them, the value of that was so big. The money just attached itself to it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it kind of changes. But on your thing that you said there, I'll share a really quick story. When I first started doing readings, I read this woman and I said you're going to move house next April. I can see the house. And I described the house and she just looked at me and she just like almost like squirmed her face and they said what's wrong? And she said, yes, I mean that's ridiculous. And I said why is that ridiculous? And she said well, we can't afford it. We've got a child. I work part time. Give me all the reasons why. Trust me on this. I see you in it and we parked it.

Speaker 2:

Then, a year later or the following year she's a friend on Facebook she went oh, I just got the keys to the new house and I was like no way, because she was convinced her practical, logical head, they couldn't do it Right Now. Universe plays some funny games and this is where you've got to allow it to intervene with your life. Yeah, be open to the opportunity of an easier way. That's what I always say. Be open to the opportunity or the possibility it could be another way. Right, that's what you need to do, even if you don't know what it is.

Speaker 2:

So I messaged her and I was like what happened during the house? Do you remember when we did the session? And I said you were going to get it? She was like, oh my gosh, yes, you did. She said well, we knew we couldn't afford to move, so we decided to build an extension. In order to build the extension, I had to get a valuation on the house. When I got a valuation on the house, we actually realized that the property value had shot up so much that we could just sell this house and get our dream house without doing any work. Yeah, and they are now in that house and I said is it like this, this and this?

Speaker 2:

And I described it and she went yep. And I said, is it in this location? And she went yep. And I went there. You go, yeah, None of your business how it was going to happen. Yeah, Positioned it to happen because you decided I need to be a house, this is what I'd like, I want to stay in the area. But your logical mind applied for money to get an extension and the universe was like no, I'm going to take it out of the way for you. I'm just going to give you some extra money into your house and you can buy a better house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's so crazy. Yeah, yeah, no, I think, and actually realizing doing it this way was so much more fun. I was like, oh, what else could come then?

Speaker 1:

It kind of almost like opens up your mind to like, oh, and, as I said, I've always played with it and I've had moments, but it's just kind of been one thing after the other after the other, and I'm just sitting here and even my mum, who is not really into any of this at all, like I'm the one in my family who's very, very different in that sense, she even mentioned me, saying did you manifest this? And I said, yeah, yeah, I think.

Speaker 1:

I did because it was just like I love it when they use you. Yeah, I know, and I was like. I was like I was like oh, mum, you're getting. You're getting what I do now You're getting what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, and it's just really funny because, as well I, I went back onto my vision board. Well, I don't have a vision board. Sorry, I'm manifest. I call it my manifest list because I don't like goals, because goals feel too pressured for me. Manifesting feels more open and expansive, so I call it my manifest list. So I put on there as well, like be in London by the 31st of December 21. And I wrote that mail this year and I didn't again, didn't know how. And then my mum went and I said go and just look on my board. I said I'm sure I put something on there, I couldn't even remember what. And then she sent me a picture and she was like so you really did, because you literally put it. And I said you know, if you'd asked me two weeks ago, prior to this conversation, I wouldn't even be in a position to be looking to be, moving.

Speaker 1:

And then here I am, two weeks later I'm moving stuff down in the middle of December, I'll be here by Boxing Day and that's it. I'm not going home type thing. And so, yeah, it's wild, and but the biggest thing, I think, was the letting go, and fully letting go, but also following the intuition, following those little drops, those downloads, and just actually what's? A good question, I think, for people who, because I hit when well, I used to hit the word download a lot and I didn't really get it, I understand it now. But for people who are like, what do you mean by download? What can they? What does that mean for them?

Speaker 2:

OK, so a download can be experienced, for instance, if you've been in a shower and all of a sudden, you get these random thoughts. Yeah, that's a really good idea. I should be doing that. Yeah, that's a download.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If you've ever been in a car, stuck in the traffic jam or traffic lights and all of a sudden, this random thought comes in from nowhere that's a download. They start by being random thoughts, but we think our imagination, or rather our mind, is creating them. It's not. Your mind is at rest. So when you're in the shower, you're often worried about my shampoo and conditioning. What am I doing? You know washing my face, what am I doing? So you're not actually consciously thinking about the download, but for some reason, shower thoughts are amazing. Stop in the traffic light and just being like OK, you're not actively thinking and you have space for them to come in. Yeah, download.

Speaker 2:

A download will sometimes be about yourself, might be an idea, it might be about someone else, but you don't always need to act on them or tell people yeah, ok, that's why I said write them down.

Speaker 2:

You know how you receive them and which ones actually appear in your reality and which ones don't. Because when you initially start listening to your intuition, you're going to get so much information and it will be so much like about everything that's random and you have to decide for whether it's something you act upon or not. So that's why I say, write them down and see what was I doing at that time, how did it feel in my body, what was coming together? Because you know all of your senses come together and it's a download is normally, as I said, an idea, a piece of information, something you need to know, something to get your attention to listen and you can apply in your life. So if you were to say I'd really like to know about what I should be doing for my business with regards to a certain product, Say you said what's my next step on this?

Speaker 2:

Right, and you left it. You just left it Because you've asked the question. You will get nuggets of downloads, start dropping into your awareness and that's why time journaling is so good, because it convinces that information into a time your body and your energy starts to recognize. Oh, we do this at 8 AM every morning. That's where I need to send the information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, that's the container. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you'll hear them and feel them randomly. You might even get them as a sense of knowing. So they might not be a voice. Yeah, sometimes you might even get something in your reality. So a friend of mine works in the music industry and she wanted to get a contract for her music. Yeah, and she was like is this really going to happen? And she walked out the premises and took her left. She never takes her left, she always goes right, yeah. Anyway, she faced a cafe and in the cafe window was neon lights saying it's happening. Wow, like if she got information.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that could be what it looks like too. Yeah, yeah, so it could be a physical thing, it could be a flash of an image, it could be a voice or it could be a sense of knowing. So it's different things. But what you're actually doing with downloads is your human is remembering what your soul wrote for you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's a story about what you're going to experience and when, and it's not in my new detail, but you know the major things are there, yeah, but if there's something you're meant to experience, then it will be there. So what you're actually doing with a download is you're remembering that story, mm-hmm, so you can reconnect your soul and understand what that path looks like. If you want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and just out of interest then because I know that as I've slowly slowed down and allowed more space, I'm getting more and more downloads all the time and my mind sometimes is going a lot and then I'm like but which ones do I act on?

Speaker 2:

And so how do you?

Speaker 1:

start knowing. Is it the ones that keep reappearing in different ways? So, for example, a lot to do with certain ideas, with business and things like that, do you? Because obviously you can't follow them all at the same time, you can't follow everything that you get, because it might just be one little blip of information and not enough to really make anything tangible, but equally yeah. So how do people start acting on it? Cause I know that I'd be interested to know that, but I'm sure people who are very early in the start of their journey is like, okay, so now, what do I do? Now I have that information?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Very good question. It's exactly my frustration when I started and I got so fed up with it because I had rooms and rooms of paper of all these things and I was like I'll do them all now.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I, though I love to read and listen to audiobooks, I limit myself because I literally get too many downloads. Yes, I have to stop anyway. So because once you open that creative valve, it just go on. So I asked my channel and my channel gave me a beautiful exercise, which is if you hear it, see it, feel it three times, do it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, it's as simple as that. I call it the rule of three. Yeah, it was given to me years ago and I thought, okay, if I do that. And the end. Actually, I heard that. And then I'll tell you a really funny story, because I was dating someone at the time and I just heard out of nowhere he's cheating on you. And I was like, nah, he wouldn't do that. You know, we're all good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then I saw something about cheating and then I felt it. I felt it. I felt I don't feel good, I feel like he's been with someone like my body felt it. Yeah, anyway, I was in his house and he had an iPod, we had iPods and he had his emails to the iPod and I it pinged and I was just sat next to it whilst it was playing music. So I looked over and I was like, oh, that's interesting, because I could see when they were meeting. The first line of the email, yeah, I could see what it was. So I tapped on it and he'd been cheating. It was in the emails.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I'd read something about cheating and I was like, why is that cheating on me? You know, I heard it and I felt it and I was like, right, I'm going to have to have it out with him. And, yeah, it all came out. So if you see it here, it feel it, act on it Three times. Okay, three times. And if it feels true, ask for more validation. So ask again and say if this is what I meant to do, show it to me again, make it clearer.

Speaker 1:

Next, time and you just say that in your head, right? Because that's what I've started to do and I think this is what's helped my manifestation a lot recently is, I kind of took on the view that I don't care if I can't see it, I don't care if I can prove it, I don't care that, I don't need to prove there's a higher power, I just need to decide that I am supported. And then, once I made that decision, I then started saying like very similar, but I I've never really been into angels, but angels just felt the right thing for me to say and people listening to this might be like oh, that's so airy fairy, yes, it is, but I was very logical with it. I just like before I go to bed, like, hey, angels, I'm really struggling with knowing what to do here. Can you show me?

Speaker 1:

And I started doing that and I, as I said, I've been honing in on the practice of, like the last couple of months and honestly, it's unbelievable what I've seen, just like you say, the crazy synchronicities, and before I would have ignored it. So you know, like you mentioned about a sign or something, I think when we're very much in our logical mind, we ignore the glaringly obvious things that are like basically showing us signs or this or that, whereas now I see them everywhere and I'm just like you really are trying to slap this in my face, and once you start seeing that, it's almost quite difficult to stop. So, yeah, that's how I do it, but I just that's just because it felt good for me. But I imagine people can just talk in the head in different ways and be very you know, doesn't have to be airy fairy at all, no, I mean, look the way that I would suggest it is, even if you speak it out aloud, just to admit to yourself.

Speaker 2:

This is what I'm asking for, because in our if we say it in our head, sometimes our thoughts can get scrambled. Yeah, so when I get something I'm like, okay, university, show me that, show me in more detail, show me specifically what I should be doing, right. So lots of people come to me and say, yeah, I asked my guides, I asked my angels, and nothing comes back. And I said what you asking? They're like I was showing you what I'm supposed to be doing and I said about what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like specifically what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I'm going to get a woo woo here, right? So everything I do, I try and make it as practical as possible and apply it to life. Yeah, so here's what I'm going to say to everybody. If you believe you are a soul having a human experience and the soul is bigger than yourself, right.

Speaker 2:

You can get your head around that it's planned some of the stuff for you, if not all of it. Okay, there's something you need to know. When that soul was a spark in the universe, it got together with a load of other souls and said you're going to give me this experience, you're going to be really nasty to me and I'm going to learn something from it. You're going to be my parent, you're going to be my child, you're going to be my boyfriend and these is, this is what you're going to teach me, okay, but at the point that you're deciding to do that, you have a guardian angel and the guardian angel says are you sure you want to experience this?

Speaker 2:

Right, it will check with you. And because we're souls and expansive, I'm like, yeah, try and have me, you know? Okay, You're like what the hell is this shit?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You're like what am I? What is this? I couldn't possibly have manifested this for myself. Right, the soul is so expansive it has to get into a dense body, a protein body, where it's limited to experience those experiences. Okay, now the soul is the spark in the universe. You got a whole spiritual team. I said this to everyone. Right, you have everyone's got angels, everyone's got spirit animals, everyone's got people on the other side watching over them and they're all sitting there filing their nails going. When are they going to ask me to do something?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right. So in your home, have you ever put something down and you know categorically? You've put it in one place and then it's moved or it's disappeared. Yeah, all the time Angels are trying to catch your attention. They're messing with you because they're saying we're bored, give us something to do, right? So when you call them in and you say I specifically need help with this, they get to work. They're like ah, at last. You know.

Speaker 2:

People say don't ask too much from the universe. That's being greedy. No, ask it. Yeah, it's sitting there going. If I just say I just want to be happy, the universe will go oh, so I've got like what? 18, 90 years to bring a happiness. I'll just sit back and maybe I'll give it to her. You know, if you actually say, like I am now, I'm 51. I want to be happy and joyful and enjoy my life and spread that to other people and teach them how to be like that, they get to work. Because if set a time limit, I've told them what I've wanted and when I want it.

Speaker 2:

So if you're not specific, if you're not asking, if you don't even acknowledge that you are a soul and you've got a whole team behind you, you just need to ask them, yeah, what is going to happen? Yeah, but you need to tell them what to do. They're not just going to act for you, yeah, but you know, on average, when I see people's angels, they've got like three to five per person. That's what I normally see. And then I see their, their ancestors, so normally it tends to be a grandparent or a great grand parent or something like that. Is is with them, yeah, and they're giving it. They're there, they're just waiting for you to ask. I even see animals that have gone to the other side.

Speaker 2:

So that's a really weird one, but fun nonetheless. So I would say don't doubt what is bigger than yourself and just ask, and whether you believe in angels or a spiritual team or not, I joke and I say it's my committee. You know I'm a committee. Yeah, let's get to work. What are we going to do? Yeah, guaranteed it works. So here's some tests you can do, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Really clear and obvious one that loads of people do. You're going to go somewhere. You don't know if there's parking there or not. Just say to your angels get me a parking space right outside the place that I'm going. I've tried that one. You could also say, for instance, if I'm trying to research something and the research is huge I would say I'm just about to jump on the internet. Give me exactly what I need to know in the top two or three searches, guaranteed it's always there If I ask for. I remember when I started using landing pages because I don't have a website and I said oh my gosh, this is really confusing.

Speaker 2:

I need something really easy, a drag and drop. I don't know where to go. I'm going to search, find it. For me. Lead pages popped up dead easy. It was one of the easiest things I used and I'm not majorly techie. I thought this thing is working, so I just kept asking yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's what I feel like I've been doing the last few months. As I said, I do believe in high power, but I didn't really truly understand the power of feeling so supported. The more I asked, the more things just kept coming up. I was like, oh, this is interesting, you're right. I was actually very specific Back previously. I probably have been. I've wanted stuff, but almost the desire to have it was a bit scary or possibly I didn't trust that I was ready for it or trust that it was going to be the right thing. I don't know. But I would ask, but then not be specific enough or dip in and out of it or resist it, whereas now I'm just like this is what I want. Show me how I can do it. I don't care how I always add in, I don't care how Just taking off that pressure has almost made it 10 times easier.

Speaker 2:

I would change your wording slightly and say show me the easiest, most prosperous way to do it. Okay, because when you say I don't care how you might invite something, no one wants any more issues, I would always say what's the easiest and most prosperous way, prosperous being how do I prosper and how do other people prosper? Because it's never just about us, it's about us and others. Try that one, because that is more solar lined. Therefore, it's like a magnet for things to come in even quicker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that, just then, when it comes back to really finding your truth with all of this, how can you use all of these practices to come back to who you are? Because obviously, as you say, we're a soul and it's way bigger. It's a spark in the universe that comes to live, a human experience. I do truly believe that. I definitely feel like. For me personally, I don't know quite how old I am, but I don't feel like I feel like an old soul, I don't feel like brand new.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, that's just what I felt when I think about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as soon as you start talking. I see this Sometimes when I would know things, and people are like, how do you know that when you're only I mean, I'm 28 now, I'm still quite young but when I was in my early 20s, how would you know that? I'm like, I don't know, I just do, I can't explain it. And then, obviously, as I move down, but how do people then start using their intuition, using these downloads, to really connect with their truth, to serve themselves and others the most in the life that they live? Okay, it's quite a big question. I apologize.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no it's a great question. So you said I don't know how many lifetimes I live, but you feel like you've been here before, right, okay? Okay, so your DNA. There's two aspects to this. One is your soul that has a whole load of knowledge. It knows so much. It's ridiculous. Okay, it comes into a human body, limits itself because it's like, oh, it's only this big knot as big as the universe, right? However, you have an ancestry line that is so long, hundreds and hundreds of years. I don't know if you've ever looked into your ancestry line. No, not in full. No, if you do, it will go on for hundreds of years. You carry the DNA from your ancestors from hundreds of years and in those hundreds of years, there will have been a speaker, for instance, there may have been a politician, there may have been a phenomenal mother, there may have been someone who was a witch and burnt the snake, and then you go on, and then you go on. That DNA sits in you. So when you get that sense of knowing, but you don't know where it comes from, your DNA is waking up, right?

Speaker 2:

So I knew that I was going to be a speaker, of sorts, and I was like oh gosh, I jumble over my words. I'm sometimes not very clear. So I sat with myself and I said, okay, I connect to Source. You can use Creator, universe, higher Power, whatever words work for you. And I sat there and I said, okay, source Energy, anywhere in my time, in my previous lives or in my ancestors, where I've been a good speaker, or any one of them have, and I carry that gene, activate it. Activate it so I know how to do it. Okay, I've got to say within a week I think it was I was doing videos on Instagram. I did not know how to. I was like I don't feel good about this. Someone's going to listen. But that's how I started, because I was like I've got it somewhere inside of me. Just activate it.

Speaker 2:

Now, when I say spirituality is simple, it's simple Ask and it's given. We don't ask, we don't have to ask. It doesn't matter how you ask, just ask. Whatever your words, your request is different to mine, just ask, okay. So how do you apply that to the truth in yourself? The truth in yourself is something that shows you that it feels good. If it doesn't feel good, it's not your truth, okay, so really pay attention to what feels good. As I said, the soul drives you from feelings and emotions. So go back to your feelings and emotions.

Speaker 2:

When you start speaking your truth, it will be out of character to what you believed before. That's how it works. Yeah, because what you're doing is you're breaking away from the patterns that you had before. You might say, yeah, we've always had the color red, we've always had the color red. Yeah, we love the color red. And then you sit and go actually, no, I really like yellow. I don't want to do red anymore. Yeah, I think it's a really baseline explanation, but that will be the thing. So things that did resonate before, that don't now. You will choose to do differently. That's how you're building your truth, right. The more you are in your truth, the more the universe will give to you. Yes, because it'll be like right, you're on your path now. So we're going to keep opening this up for you. That's why, if you are a manifesto, more comes easily. Yeah, right. So the truth also feels free. Right, it's liberating, right, yeah?

Speaker 2:

When I started saying some of the things that I said look, I call out modalities, spiritual modalities. There's so much I don't believe in. One of the things that's very, very prevalent is limiting beliefs, everyone will say I'm blocked, I've got limiting beliefs, and I'll say, no, you haven't. There's no such thing as a limiting belief. What there is is you're in a child saying I don't know how to do this. Right, that's what it is. It's not the administration is telling you I don't know how to do it, so let's teach it Right. Right, so I don't believe necessarily a lot of these things. So when I started saying this, people at first started judging me and then I questioned myself.

Speaker 2:

I was like am I saying the right thing? But inside of me it was like no, it's the truth, keep saying it. And when you start speaking your truth, it will rattle some cages and it will make you feel uncomfortable initially. But if in your heart of hearts you're like 100% no, this is right, or I feel it, you know, then that's your truth. Yeah, you've got to live by that.

Speaker 2:

At the moment we're in a massive situation where we've got two opposing sides for instance, take the vaccine, for instance throw and against, and actually the wording is all wrong. It's a big separation thing. And people say to me you know, are you against it? I can throw it. And I said actually I'm just pro-choice.

Speaker 2:

Me too it's nothing against it, I just want to choose. I don't want to be coerced into it. That's my truth and that's it Simple. And you know, I'll decide again when the trials are done. And that's my personal view and I don't have no one else has to share that. And that's the important thing, because when you start discovering your truth, you'll start telling everyone this is it, this is what it should be, it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's your truth. Yeah, and that's really interesting. You actually say that because so I have a similar view to you and I suddenly realized, because I felt so strongly about it for myself, that there's absolute, because I've done a lot of work on my health over a long period of time, so I've learned to heal myself naturally after sepsis. I did all the research, I did all the adding exercise, adding supplements, working on my immune. So then I was like but I don't know that they haven't had a really bad reaction or lost a loved one, and you know they might have, they might be vulnerable, and loads of nuances to all of this. But I was like, are they wrong? No, but does that make me wrong? No. And when I had that realization, it was just like I can be peaceful now in myself and just be like this is my truth, this is how I feel, but I also respect and appreciate other people's truths, as long as they don't try and impose it on me.

Speaker 1:

And that's the big difference is when it's the imposing part, and then I'm like whoa stay away, please.

Speaker 2:

And that is the thing, because when you discover your truth, you want to shout about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Because it's new and it's different and it feels true, like it feels real in you, and I just think that's where judgment creeps in. Yes, others, like everyone, wants to be right, and it's not about who's right and who's wrong. It's got nothing to do with that. You know, regardless of what goes on in the world, we have to learn to coexist and be supportive of each other. Period.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their truth. Yeah, that's okay, and one day there will be a collective consciousness at a certain plane that all resonates the same. Yeah, you know, and at the moment is very divisive, and I think you said it perfectly when you said I have a version of truth and they may have an opposing version of truth, and neither of them are wrong. Yeah, 100% go with that 100%.

Speaker 1:

But that's the thing, just, I think, not just in this situation but just generally in life, that is going to happen.

Speaker 1:

When you're in living as you say what feels the best for you, there's going to be people that say what you're teaching or say if your coach is rubbish, but actually it's not, it's just because it's not their truth.

Speaker 1:

And what they have to offer and they're going to attract and like living in your truth is going to resonate and bring in the people that need to get what they need from you and the value they need to get from you. And again, that was something that I started to realize was the more I step into that the better, because otherwise I'm just giving out mixed messages all of the time and appeasing too many people when actually I really need to help the people that need to hear it my way. And there's going to be other people who need to hear it somebody else's way and that's okay and I think yeah, but that is a journey in itself, like you say, and it's just starting to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for a bit and learning that it's still going to be okay. And I think that was the biggest shift for me was learning to be okay with it.

Speaker 1:

So just to kind of before I end on the last question, because I could talk to you for hours about this because it's such a good topic, but what do you think is the one thing that people really need to hear right now is a general collective message, because I'm sure you get them all the time, just like I'd want to, you know, empowering message, because that's obviously the name of my podcast, something that you think people need to hear now. That would really sit with a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so all of your life you've been handing over your power, your decisions, to governments, parents, friends, everywhere. Right, your parents told you what to do. The governments told you there's a set of rules. Your religion might have told you. I'm just going to tell you you're bigger than that, right, you're more powerful than you recognize, and this is one of the issues that humanity is struggling with. I've worked with so many people, myself included. You have the power to heal yourself. You have the power to heal others. You have the power to be so expansive that you can call in anything you want in your world, right, yeah, and I don't say that lightly, anyone can do this. Right, you are not limited. You have everything you need to know inside of you by what I've just told you with your soul, with your ancestral lineage is in your DNA right.

Speaker 2:

So when you start saying to yourself I can't, what you mean is that either don't feel safe to or I don't know? Okay, so let's find that point, okay. When you think the world is against you, it's not. It's pressurizing you to show the beauty in yourself. It's like a turning co-inter diamond. Yeah, the pressure that brings out the beauty and the lights, your inner pressurized situation to recognize your light.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Right. So all I'm going to say to you nothing in life is happening to you, is happening for you to take it and grow. Yeah, because you really, really, really have everything you need and you will have heard many, many people saying this. But if you don't know how to activate or use that, find someone that you really resonate with to show you how yeah, don't say it's for them, it's not for me, or they can do it because they're gifted. It's not. You've got this, you 100% got this. You just need to be shown how and I say that from a. If I told you my entire story, you would actually say to me how are you still alive today? Yeah, we've just touched a very tip. There is so much trauma. If I can do it and I was the most negative, judgmental, blameworthy person ever if I can do this and be so fulfilled, anyone could do this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so powerful and such a great message to end on. And I something that I definitely have started believing more and more. When I'm speaking to amazing women on the podcast and just hearing people's stories all the time, I'm like do people don't realize how I'm sitting there in awe of these people and they're there with their self-doubts and they're this Do you realize how brilliant you are? And I've only been speaking to you for like 30 minutes. So imagine if you really tapped into that. And I think it's just we're also scared of stepping into that power because we don't. I think, deep down, we all know that we are really powerful. We just don't know how we're going to be able to deal with it, so we don't always express it.

Speaker 2:

I think you've just said it there. One of the biggest reasons why we don't do it is because we actually recognize how powerful we are, and that's too scary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it comes with a lot of potential. We think consequences are heads getting in the way and be like, well, what if we don't resonate with people? What if we lose friends? What if this what? And then all of a sudden it's like, oh, let me just shrink back down and just be safe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this has been amazing. I just want to end because I kind of asked it. That was a collective message, but this is one that I always ask my guests before we kind of end the podcast, and that is what is the one piece of information or insight that you've received at any point in your lifetime that you've then gone away and actioned or applied that has provided you the biggest transformation or empowered you the most?

Speaker 2:

Don't lean into the human self or the energy self too much. You've got to meet in the middle. So if you receive an energetic information download or you've had a healing, apply it practically into your human. That's why there's two parts of you. Most people are either to human lead or to energy lead. Yeah, and so bring the two together. If you put the two together, the impact is huge. And, by the way, if you are going to use energy with your human, doing if you like, you don't actually have to do the hard work, the big work. It's actually when you collaborate with energy and you co-create with energy. Everything can become easier and simpler. Wow, and that's important to notice. The message we have been given, the narrative, is that you must work hard, you must suffer, it must be difficult, it's all lies. So actually understanding that there's always an easier way, particularly if you work with energy and you apply it practically in your human self, it will work.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I love that. That is amazing and it's such a great way to end and I'm going to leave that there so that people can. Really, I think people need to go back and listen to this episode a few times because I feel like it's going to resonate on a different level each time. Thank you so much for joining me today, yasmin. I think it's been a really, really great way for people to kind of dip their toe into that kind of more spiritual but practical process. Now, how can people connect with you? How can people find you? I will put it in the show notes, but just because I'm sure people are going to want to reach out and potentially work with you, yeah, the best place has got to be Instagram.

Speaker 2:

So at Ms Yasmin Ibrahim, and my LinkedIn bio will send you off in different directions. Facebook, YouTube if you really want to go a little bit into the woo-woo. Youtube is brilliant. I have articles on Medium as well, so the LinkedIn will send you into different places, and if you want to book a reading with me or a healing, then that's the place too.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Thank you, I'll make sure that is all in the show notes for everybody and thank you so much. Thank you, bye-bye. It's the end of another episode. I hope you've loved it and took something valuable away today. I would really appreciate you sharing these episodes with friends and family and, even better, leaving an Apple podcast review. This really helps me reach a new and bigger audience, which is my goal with this podcast. To ensure you don't miss any episodes, make sure you hit the subscribe button now and connect with me on Instagram at Hannah Kate Garner and come and say hi. I really do love connecting with you all. Thank you so much for listening. I look forward to joining me again next week.

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