Empower Thyself with Hannah Garner


Hannah Garner Season 2 Episode 85

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the excessive information floating around, especially during these uncertain times? Do you find it difficult to make decisions amid the chaos? Let us navigate this together as we explore the power of discernment in making informed choices that align with your values and beliefs. This episode of Empower Thyself podcast illuminates how discernment can help us filter through the noise and fear associated with embracing new technology or changes.

We've all been there, questioning, researching, and trying to make the best decisions for ourselves in day to day life. We're examining how discernment can guide us in such situations.  However, it's not all about going against the flow; we also take a look at the pitfalls of rebelling just for the sake of it.

Finally, we're talking intuition - that gut feeling that sometimes guides us more accurately than any data or advice. We're exploring how discernment and intuition work hand in hand, helping us understand ourselves better and make choices that 'feel' right. We also contemplate the power of self-reflection and asking ourselves fundamental questions about what brings us joy and what drains us. So, join us in this insightful session as we learn to harness the power of discernment to live from an empowered place, even in a world filled with fear and uncertainty.

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Peace and Love Han x

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to Empower Thyself podcast. I'm your host, hannah Garner. I am so pleased that you are here today. If you're new, welcome. Make sure to subscribe, make sure to not miss out on future episodes and definitely go back and look at the bank of episodes that we have. We cover so many different topics here and I have absolutely loved releasing and having real, honest conversations, new, fresh insights and lived experiences on all different topics from a range of amazing, amazing guests.

Speaker 1:

Now, as you may have noticed, the next couple of episodes are going to be solos. I am off on my trip on holiday for two weeks and so there has been one or two re-releases intentionally, because this one supports what I'm going to talk about today and that is around December, and I just felt that the other episode I released last week was around fear and I did an in-depth kind of talk and helpful tips and how to overcome fear, how to use fear to actually get what you want done in your life and not let it stop you. And that was one of the most popular episodes I've ever had, even as a solo episode, and I did share it about 18 months ago, so it was very new at that time, so many people won't have listened to it, particularly if you're a newer listener who's found me. So definitely go back and listen to that, because I think this whole sequence is going to flow really nicely. And I wanted to talk about discernment today because, in this current climate where we find ourselves in the world, I believe it's a really, really powerful tool that we need to utilize, particularly, as my podcast says, to empower yourself.

Speaker 1:

At the moment, we all are in situations in life with being told what to do, the online kind of cancel culture, so many different conditionings and things going on in the world, and I think, now more than ever, there's a lot of fear, hence me resharing the fear episode. There's a lot of struggle around being able to empower yourself to make decisions and know what's best for you, and I do think discernment and this episode is really going to help you. Kind of. Just have a think about how to use it. Where can it benefit you? Because it definitely can, especially in the online space, with the amount of information that is available at our fingertips at all times, at any time of the day, discernment is more powerful than ever, and particularly because we are coming to realize some of us have had this realization a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

Some people are going through that right now. Some of us have kind of had that awakening after COVID that often what we are told by the powers that be whether that be government or big corporations, etc. That the information they're feeding is often not necessarily for our benefit but for theirs. And, as a result, we have to use our discernment in those scenarios when we are being fed information to make sure that it fits and is aligned with who we want to be, what our values are, how we want to behave, how we want to move forward in life. Because just because that's what people are telling you to say do be, believe, behave does not mean that we need to take that on. Or it doesn't mean that it's Bible, it doesn't mean that it's fact, it doesn't mean that it's opinion like, let's be real, the fact checkers online on social media were fact checking shit. They weren't even doing it properly. So we can't necessarily trust anything around us anymore. And that's why this skill is so important.

Speaker 1:

And it's a conversation that I want to have, because I've also definitely had my own learning blocks with this, particularly recently because of my personality type, which I'll go into in a minute and then the week after. So next week I'm going to do a re-release again on one of the most popular episodes that I had with the amazing Yasmin Ibrahim, and she is and was my mentor and she's a spiritual healer, business mentor, intuitive. She's absolutely amazing and we did an episode where we really dived into how you can connect your intuition, which again during this time, being able to go inwards and in a stand, yourself in a stand, what's going on in a stand, the messages that you need to receive for you, for your life, for your family is going to be really, really powerful. We're moving into a lot of different times. There's a lot of disruption around us. There's a lot of things changing constantly. It's very fluid. There's always things going on, even just in, say, technology world. In technology world, we're seeing AI and things like the catapult into realms that we've never seen before. It's changing in that way.

Speaker 1:

So, being able to use discernment with all of this new well, information on our fingertips, new technologies all of that is going to be powerful. Knowing how to manage our fear because the thing is, as humans, we are going to want to tap into new ways of doing things, but when we've been doing things a particular way, we might find that the ego, the sneaky ego, comes in and says hold on a minute, I want to protect you here. This is really scary. I've never done this before. Or this is new information, or this is that whatever, and the fear, you know little voice, starts to kick in. And then, using and being able to tap into your intuition to say, hmm, does this feel right? Is this the right decision for me, or is this the information that I want to use, or is this the belief that I want to take on right now? Is this how I want to use XYZ technology, or is this how I want to do my job? Being able to tap into that.

Speaker 1:

The combination of those three are going to give you really strong foundations to help you feel more grounded and more stable in a very unstable and constantly changing environment. And as humans, we often crave stability. We often crave a sense of knowing. We want to know, we want to be in control, we want to know how things are going to pan out. We want to do things that make our life feel as easy as possible. So when everything feels like a whirlwind around us, it's very easy to get caught up in that and you know, getting more anxiety, feeling more stress, not getting the clarity because your head's all scrambled.

Speaker 1:

So all of these, as I said, topics I just feel are so important as we move forward, and I don't know if you felt this or if you've experienced this, but definitely for the last year well, eight months of the year how quickly it's gone. I've also found that there's been so much change going on around me, with me, all of the things, and I've been tested mentally as well. And you know, making sure that we can control as much as we can is great, but sometimes we can't. There's so much externally we can't, but the one thing we can do is have an inner standing of who we are, inner standing of how we connect to our intuition and inner standing of how we work through fear based things that come up, which is inevitable particularly during volatile times, and also then being able to use discernment. So that's the reasoning for it.

Speaker 1:

I hope that all makes sense and I hope that you maybe even resonate with what I'm saying, and I would love to hear your feedback on this one in particular, because I know that this can be, or is, something that maybe isn't talked about as much, and so, yeah, I want to see how you feel, how you connect to that, if it's helped you, and I'm just gonna share kind of an overview of how I've been feeling about it and just my perspective. Again, it's just my perspective, but I do think it's a skill that now more than ever is vital. So, discernment I've said this word quite a few times now in the intro already and you're thinking, hmm, what is it? So I'm gonna share with you quickly what it means from, I guess, more of like a if you were to Google it, and then I'm gonna kind of share my own opinion and kind of thoughts and feelings on it, because the sermon historically has been used in a more religious and spiritual kind of concept and so is often referred to in the Bible and things like that. So I'm not talking about it purely from a religious point of view. Obviously, if you are religious you can apply that to yourself. I'm using it more what the word means in a kind of practical sense in the day to day experience, but let me just run through kind of like what I found. So it means to understand or know something through the power of spirit. It includes perceiving the true character of people and the source and meaning of spiritual manifestations. That is the more spiritual, religious kind of meaning there is also on Google. They kind of share that the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure, skill in discerning an act of perceiving or discerning something. Discernment is the ability to perceive, understand and judge things clearly, especially those that are not obvious or straight forward. So that leads me in nicely to, as I said I've mentioned it briefly in the intro, but my experience using discernment and just kind of going back because I think it's the most relatable to everybody, the most relatable example is in that description we're saying the ability to judge things clearly, especially those that are not obvious or straight forward.

Speaker 1:

Now, if we think about the last couple of years, we have seen that we have been fed information around COVID, around vaccinations, around statistics, around so many things, and often we will have blindly followed them in many cases, because that was the thing that we were told to do. That was the you know, the, the good thing to do as a human being. And we often did that with all good faith, all with true, you know, good intentions and wanting to obviously ensure that everybody stayed safe and that everybody was okay. But now we come out the other side. I mean when I say out the other side, you know it's not disappeared and the post COVID effects are still yet to be truly felt. I believe that's a whole other story. But the point being, we're not in the lockdown period, we're not in the really intense news reporting of it, we're not in, you know, being bombarded left, right in center with adverts about getting the vaccine and get your free Krispy Kreme donut period right, and so from that perspective, and now we are on the other side, and now we have kind of got new data, new things coming through. There's definitely been a lot of information that's come out that has contradicted or confirmed that some of the things that were shared during that period were point blank lies or false right, and unfortunately that has had consequences for many different people for many different reasons, and that I'm not trying to go on a conversation or rant here about that in particular. So I'm not. It's not where I'm going to go, but the reason I'm, as I said, sharing is because really relatable. But the thing is there were certain bits of information during that time that to me I use a strong level of discernment and I'll give you an example. So, with the whole mass situation, when, when, when this all kicked off, nobody had no idea what the hell was going on, how serious it was, you know, we never heard of this thing, all of that. So we all took it serious, serious, and so did I. I was very concerned, as was everybody across the world, when we started thinking, oh my gosh, we're going to have to actually shut down the country At this point.

Speaker 1:

Me being me and if you've listened to my other podcast, if you've seen me on Instagram, if you know me personally, you'll know that I am a Information nerd. I like to go into the details, I'll go read things, I'll go find things, I'll go do things in a much more detailed way than maybe your average person would, just because I'm nosy. I like to know things, I like to be equipped. It's just part of my character, whereas most people just couldn't care enough or don't give a shit about that. It's just my personality type, right?

Speaker 1:

So at the start I, as I said, went on Google, started looking at things, started reading things, and you know people are saying I'm mask going to help, is this and that and I read a few things on Google around mask efficacy, around kind of how like what this, how viruses work, this, that and the other right. And then, as we start getting deeper and deeper into this, that same information that was there a month or two before, even as simple as what a virus like, how a virus spreads, that information changed, it got manipulated, it got and it's got. And and also especially around like antibodies and how antibodies were work, like natural antibodies suddenly weren't a fucking thing and they manipulated and changed the descriptions on medical websites about saying how antibodies come from, vaccines only, and like kind of ignored, about natural antibodies and things about the mass. I have saw a study on there that you know. A few months after mass suddenly became mandatory, that was no longer to be found unless you went 12 pages deep into Google, which most people are going to not do. Instead, the things that were being pushed at the top were very much, were very much like oh, this is great, this is great, they work. Let's all get on the mask hype right, and I'm not saying this from a conspiracy point of view. I'm saying I personally witnessed that happen because I was looking for information and I was continually diving into it and it disappeared and it changed right and then later down the line we've and. So from my perspective, I was like, hmm, this doesn't feel right. I don't believe that what we're being told for example, on the news that the mask situation outside in the, the, the, the wide world is as effective or necessary as is being shared Right, yes, I'm not talking about hospital situations here or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

But given that people weren't changing them, given that they weren't being used in a sterile environment, given that people were hand-making them, given that particle sizes of things were much, much smaller than you know like cough particles are much, much smaller and germs, like viruses, are much smaller than than the mass kind of fibers, so it can get through we really, like my, my alarm bells were ringing, like what they're saying doesn't tie up to literally, like obvious facts in my mind. So I started using my discernment there and thinking you know what this isn't okay for me. I don't want to wear them because they make me feel panicky and horrible. I don't think they're good for my personal health because actually I need to still be exposed to as many germs as possible, because ultimately, having a diverse microbiome with exposure to plenty of germs, allows you and your immune system to keep you you know your strong, your immune system strong, easier to fight off things and it's not going to feel so extreme. And that can be vouched by the fact that you know, including myself, when we came out of lockdowns after two years of being away, there was a wave of like for a year of people getting like cold so easily, cough so easily, like everything, like people I know, so many people, including myself, who got so quickly poorly afterwards because we were locked away and we weren't exposed to the same level of germs that we were. So it just didn't sit right with me. So I chose not to wear one and I'm going to caveat that and understand again that you know certain situations and certain scenarios would require one and that's fine. But the day to day, when I was going out and about, yes, I was cleaning my hands, I was doing all the things, but I was not going to be wearing a mask because I didn't agree with it. I used my discernment and I decided that I've perceived and I've understood this information and I've judged things in a way that for me make sense, for my personal autonomy. And it wasn't obvious, it wasn't straightforward, it wasn't a clear answer. I had to go away and do my research, but I ultimately came to that decision.

Speaker 1:

Now, what's interesting is, later down the line, we found out that actually there was. They started saying you know, actually masks really aren't that effective in terms of spreading, stopping the germs being spread. Like me, wearing a mask doesn't help you. The only person that it really helps if you're a vulnerable person is it can help you, like the individual wearer, not being exposed to so much. But me, wearing a mask doesn't stop me passing anything on to you. There was also, obviously, many other things that have then come to light from that, and it's really interesting because I kind of came to that conclusion on myself. But, as many people did, they did the right thing or what they thought was the right thing, even if maybe it didn't feel right, because I know a lot of people who really didn't want to wear one, who really didn't feel good about it, but they did it anyway because kind of that was what we were told. Now, absolutely no judgment here whatsoever. People have their own thoughts, feeling.

Speaker 1:

However, the reason that I brought this up as an example is because when something doesn't necessarily feel right in your day to day situation. This is when discernment comes in, where you need to look at these things and say to yourself hold on a minute. Is this going to support the life that I want to create, support the values that I hold, support the beliefs? Because if it doesn't, we actually need to, or it doesn't feel like it does. We need to start dissecting the information so that we can make the right decisions rather than just blindly saying, okay, well, this is what the majority is doing, or this is what everyone else is doing, or this is what's expected, because ultimately, whilst it doesn't seem like such a big deal in some smaller decisions, in bigger decisions, this can be something that can really change the trajectory of your life path. It can also, if you are the type of person that does generally follow what you're told to do in terms of generally what's expected of you, or a people pleaser like, there is science studies to show that you are likely to like shave years off your your life as a result. It will make you physically sick, and so that's something to bear in mind.

Speaker 1:

But that was just a really good example of a situation where I've really had to dig deep and look at stuff, because it wasn't black and white, there was a lot of smoke and mirrors, there was a lot of misinformation both ways and, excuse me, that was a really important thing where I had to use that and I had to say do you know what? This isn't serving me from using the term and on this information, it's not serving me. I'm not going to do it just because somebody's presented xyz information and I'm so glad that I followed that and that I went through with that because it felt right in my body and served me the best at the time, right. So that's just a really good example and I, as I said, I shared this not to make any judgments, not to, you know, dredge all the old things in the past or anything like that, but just because I know how relatable it is. And I think that is an area where there were people who kind of maybe didn't use the discernment that they would have thought they would have in terms of analyzing the information or digging a little bit deeper to see what we felt right for them and, in hindsight, wish they had. But, as I said, going forward with all this rapid changing and uncertainty, it's now more important than ever now. This leads me nicely on to another observation that I had because, with that being said, I know that I am very much a person who will often challenge the status quo, not necessarily have to follow the sheep kind of mentality, as they call it, and kind of want to go against the grain. Now I do think that is a really important thing to do. My view is to some degree and I would say I would love you to go away and think about this, this is a point to ponder on when you're trying to use discernment.

Speaker 1:

My initial like, if you're taking it down to simple, practical, practical, easy way to use it would be what does the opposite of what you are being told look like? Right? What does that look like like? Imagine you're being presented some information, what is the complete opposite of that, and then how does that actually feel? Does that feel more sensible? Does that feel more in alignment with your values? Does that feel more right? And it doesn't have to be explainable, but it can. You know, it's just what the feelings could come up in your body, because that's a great way to start just flexing that muscle around discernment, as they, if you want to call it a muscle. I know it's not, but it's more just the practicing of it. And that's a really great way to start doing that Because, as I said, to me it comes fairly straightforward, but to a lot of people, I know, it's a little bit more tricky.

Speaker 1:

However, I am going to call myself out here quite strongly and again, you might not resonate with this, but you might, because my, I guess, default position is whatever someone tells me, I'm going to go and do the absolute opposite, because I do absolutely hate being told what to do, especially my authority, like where I feel basically my personal freedom as being, I guess, jeopardized. That makes me feel very uncomfortable. I really don't like it and I feel like thinking like in my instant bodily reaction is nobody can fucking tell me what to do. This is my life, I'm living it, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's like my initial reaction. Now, don't get me wrong. That can be great and you know it can serve me well and I'm happy to speak up on behalf of people, and maybe you know it's an uncomfortable situation or whatever or in the situation that I've explained before.

Speaker 1:

However, this is where I call myself out, because sometimes, when I'm looking at the opposite of what I'm being told to do. I'm tempted by that purely because I want to actually go against what I'm being told, purely from that kind of like authoritarian point of view, like I don't want you to tell me what to do. So, whatever the opposite of that is, I'm going to go towards right and, as I said, that can be useful, that can be helpful, that can make us see, hmm, okay, this is how discernment like this is how, as I said, an example of how you can start, you like testing it for yourself. But in my instance, I've realized that sometimes we do need to look at the other way and, as I said, go to the opposite, but we do need to this feeling piece, we need to check in and see how it feels and see if it is better, because there are times where I will happily admit that the opposite is not always better. But sometimes I have ran towards the opposite because I'm feeling like someone's taking away my freedoms or trying to tell me what to do, and I have had to learn the hard way, and I have had to, I guess.

Speaker 1:

I guess, learn by doing that, that actually you, that's not always the right thing to do and that comes with maturity, that comes with removing the ego, because sometimes you know you want to do that. So I've had to add in a practice, as I said, of okay, what does the opposite of what you're being presented look like? And then playing with that and toying with that and thinking about that, but then seeing actually how does it feel? Because it might not be better, it might not feel better in your body, it might not be in alignment with your values either, and there might be some middle ground, or you might actually think, well, actually, having looked at the other side of this, the opposite, the what I'm being presented is actually actually a better option for me, or it suits me, or it's going to work for me better. And so for all of those people out there who are maybe a bit like me and kind of like, let me go the opposite way.

Speaker 1:

Yes, don't get rid of that quality. It's an amazing quality if you use right, but you do have to be careful and mindful that you're not just doing it because it's the opposite of what you're being told to do, because at the end of the day, we're still trying to come from a place of empowerment. We're still trying to do ultimately, our ultimate goal in life with trying to improve, expand, and you know you being on this podcast and listening to this podcast clearly means that you're into the same kind of things that I'm into. You are here to learn, you're here to grow, you're here to expand, you're here to question your thoughts, feelings, opinions and insights and you're here to do the uncomfortable work right. You're here to learn from others' mistakes and, you know, apply it to your life, right.

Speaker 1:

So, if that's the case, you will understand that actually from what I'm saying, that sometimes we have to call ourselves out on our own stuff, and the reason we do all of this work is to make our life better, to make our life more in line with the values that we want to, to empower ourselves to feel good in our decisions, to cultivate fulfillment, to cultivate joy, to cultivate ways and methods, to hold the bad as well or not even the bad I hate saying the bad, but the emotions of the polarity that we can experience when we have really highs and really lows, like we. That's the purpose of this work and so, as part of that, if that's what we're aiming for, sometimes we can, you know, as I said, bite our own cells in our own ass because we're too busy trying to run in the opposite direction. So that's a little caveat to what I've said in terms of when you're looking at that. If you are like me, you are probably going to have to learn the hard way a few times, but sometimes you've got to hold your hands up and say do you know what I recognize in myself? That I don't like authority and therefore in that particular instance, when using discernment and looking at information, I may be biased towards going the opposite way because of that and actually it can blind or cloud your judgment around how it actually makes me feel. It still could make me feel terrible or it could still have bad consequences for me just, but because I'm so determined, I'm gonna do that anyway. So that's the bear. Bear in mind a lot now to add on to that. I will say that and Other areas in your life that you can find it really helpful.

Speaker 1:

There are many now, as I mentioned in, when it comes to this whole situation with your intuition next week's episode I'm re-releasing on, as I mentioned in the intro, with Yasmin on intuition, how to tap into that now. This is where, again, discernment is so good, really, really powerful, because a lot of the time people say, oh, watch it, intuition, how do you tap into it? How do you know if it's your ego, how do you know if it's this, how do you know if it's that? Okay, and we do go into that in the details in the next week's episode. But the point being, if we're trying to Tap into our intuition more and get those downloads, those downloads that give us information about what the next step might look like for us in our business or our personal life or relationship or our growth, if you want those kind of downloads that come to you that might not make sense but are there for a purpose, because it's what you desire, or Something that you need to follow, if you can't discern between it go, it needs, wants and desires and true intuitive downloads, you're gonna be going after the wrong things and doing the wrong actions, and I've done this so many times. Particularly, I think as well.

Speaker 1:

This becomes really important when it comes to, like business, work, money areas, because often we can have so much ego around like, oh, I want to get these 10k months or I want to get these 20k months, let's just say, if you have your own business, because the ego saying, oh, everybody online is talking about that, so that means it must mean that's what success is and that must means that's what I want and therefore that's what we think we want, when actually our, our body and our Intuitive downloads are saying no, no, no, no, you don't care about the 10 and 20k months. Yes, that's it. That's like nice, but you're real, you know, you're true, true soul feeling and calling around. That is actually you want the freedom to be able to just live life in the moment, not stress about money, but be with your friends, have fun, you know, do all these activities during the day, not be stressing about a business, and you know all of those things. But because the egos clouding our judgment, we think, oh, this is the one that's allowed this, this is the thing that's shouting up the most. And then you start taking the actions towards that and then you keep going and it Feels tough and you're grinding and you're doing all the things and you're going and there's no results, and then you're getting frustrated and then you think there's a problem with you and then you're blaming yourself and then you're burnt out and then you have to, like, go through all of that and that can take months, but it can take years To realize. Hold on. If I'd actually been able to apply discernment here and truly look at the when that Egoic thing was coming from and realize it was coming from the ego, it was and it wasn't a true, true intuitive download or true intuitive soul desire, if I'd have been able to discern that at the beginning, then I wouldn't have put my focus and actions on those things. Instead, I'd have waited for those downloads that have trusted and waited for those downloads because I could realize, hold on a minute, this isn't actually what I think I really want and Obviously, as I mentioned, that's takes a lot of practice, but it's all comes down to Awareness. Once you can come aware, you can then use the tools to discern what's right. So again Then using it in that situation, so, so powerful.

Speaker 1:

Now, another bit that I really like around this whole piece is the fact that when it comes to like this more spiritual side the way that I have I like to look at it based on kind of reading things and what I've read from very spiritual books and Things like that is that actually it can be used in our life as a general tool to look at how things make us feel. And I've again, I've spoke about this, like before in terms of like tapping into our feelings, but I never really thought about it from a point of discernment. And what I mean by that is when we want to really get to in a stand ourselves, when we really want to see how we flow with our life, with our emotions, with our feelings, with our thoughts, and we really want to understand that. And, by the way, if you're wondering what I'm saying, I'm not saying understand, I'm saying inner, stand inner, like going inward, internal. So I am saying that intentionally, when we want to understand who we are and notice them and the importance of our feelings, our moods, our energies, our desires in our inner lives, the way what we need to start to you, like learning to discern, is asking ourselves these two big, big, big questions what is it that brings you life force and encourages you, and what things or experiences are removing, killing that life force or discouraging you? And so a way to practice discernment in the kind of spiritual realm is by reflecting on those questions. But you can do it literally from looking back at that week or that month or that day and look at yourself and say, okay, let me look. Because the thing is, let's break it down a bit further.

Speaker 1:

When we're rushing through life and going day to day, it's very hard to apply discernment, because we might be doing all of these things that make us think that, oh, we're being successful, we're ticking the boxes, we're being productive, we're doing all these things, yeah, yeah, it looks great. So on the outside, on the egoic side, we're like, yep, tick, tick, tick, tick, we're doing it. But actually, when we look back at it, we say, do you know what? That actually made me feel like shit? Or that actually made me feel ill, like physically ill, that actually burnt me out, that actually took away my energy, that actually drained me, that actually didn't feel that good. And then there'll be things that make you think, oh, my God, I feel alive, I've got so much energy, I feel like I could do this forever.

Speaker 1:

And so, when it comes to your spiritual hygiene, using discernment to see what's giving you life force and what's removing life force is such a powerful tool and that really helps you. When you start looking at that, you can start to reflect upon what the feelings were like in your body. What were your emotions like and how did that, overall, make you feel? And the more that you are able to get into connection with your feeling, thoughts and emotions, the more you're going to understand your whole world, because you're going to then have the tools to know. Okay, now I'm doing this regular discernment of my life force, like being increased or decreased.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I have noticed that maybe there are things I need to change or there's things I need to include more of, but also you're going to start to understand what might trigger you, what things that you may need to avoid, what things you may need to ask for, what areas of help you may need, what you might need from other people when it comes to setting boundaries or asking for help. And so the awareness itself is such a powerful tool, and paying attention to these movements and directions in our lives and learning to make choices from what we discover is literally how you are going to be able to create the life that you want, because it's going to be true, true full body, soul, emotion, feeling, alignment. Because you're like I have witnessed and used discernment so often, so regularly. Now I know exactly what moves me and increases my life force and I know exactly what doesn't, because once you can start being able to determine that, you're going to see the trajectory of your life only go up and up and up and up and up right, and that is so powerful. So this is why, when I said I wanted to talk about this, it's because I think it's often overlooked. I've got all of these tools, healing modalities and things out there that are great, but sometimes using the most simple thing or seems simple, obviously in practice it takes. Practice can actually be the thing that moves the needle the most.

Speaker 1:

And so, as I said, from my kind of experience, I've realized that people were struggling with using discernment, again when it comes to examples of authority, when it comes to their own lives and how. What gives them life force, what doesn't, when they're deciding oh, is this my intuition or is this my ego? And so being able to start to use that and actually, just every time a situation comes up, take a second and think okay, this information, what's being presented to me? It's not really clear, cut right now, it's not really obvious what the answer is. So let me go away.

Speaker 1:

Use critical thinking, use the feelings in my body, take a look at the opposite of that truth or that information, what's presented and how does that feel to you, and then come up with a solution from what comes up for you the thoughts and the feelings and things because that's what's going to give you your answer, instead of just being like, yeah, I'm going to follow that because that's what that says, and then realize later down the line, hold on a minute, this drained my life force or this completely went against my values and actually made me feel really bad about myself or really annoyed at myself, or actually this was something, a boundary that was crossed, or actually this was from ego and I've just completely burnt myself out. So I hope that makes sense. I hope that helps, because it's kind of a word that needs to be put into practice. I hope that what I've shared is clear and I hope that it's going to help you because, as I said, this is a tool that, if used correctly, is going to set you up for the best trajectory, because you are going to be fully empowered to be able to create the life that you want, not in a huffy fluffy like you know way, not an airy fairy way in a practical, real life way, using a very simple, straightforward method. So I hope that's been helpful.

Speaker 1:

Let me know, check in, go away, have a think, sit with it, try and use it in your week, in your day, and definitely make sure to tune into next week's episode. And if you haven't listened to the Fear One, go back. It was only released last week. Check that out because, as I said, that last week's, this week's and next week's complement each other to really give you a full picture of how you can start living from an empowered place. I will catch up with you when I'm back from my holidays. I hope you all have an amazing week and I'll catch you on next week episode.

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